Fork 0

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# SatNOGS DB Fork
This lesser fork is for exploring the SatNOGS DB.
* https://spacecruft.org/spacecruft/satnogs-db
# Install Dependencies
Using Debian Stable (Bullseye/11).
sudo apt install git libmariadb-dev mariadb-server npm python3-pip sqlite3 virtualenvwrapper
# Repo setup
I setup my `git` repo thusly.
git clone git@spacecruft.org:spacecruft/satnogs-db.git
cd satnogs-db
git remote add upstream https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-db.git
git fetch upstream
git checkout remotes/upstream/master
git branch spacecruft
git checkout spacecruft
git push --set-upstream origin spacecruft
# set to default branch in gitea
# Setup
Set up the environment.
To use `virtualenvwrapper`, you need to add it to the PATH.
The easiest way is to just add this like to the end of
source /usr/share/virtualenvwrapper/virtualenvwrapper.sh
Then log out and back in or just re-source the file.
This will enable the `mkvirtualenv` and `workon` commands.
cd satnogs-db
mkvirtualenv satnogs-db -a .
pip install --upgrade pip
cp env-dist .env
Then edit the `.env` file to add `ALLOWED_HOSTS` for remote acccess
on LAN. Use IP address of *server*.
# Front End Dependencies
Install front end.
Each command takes one minute or so to run.
npm install
# Populate Database
Run thusly:
workon satnogs-db # if you aren't already in the environment
./bin/djangoctl.sh develop .
Set up database in another terminal, when above command is ready
and listening on port 8000:
cd satnogs-db
workon satnogs-db
./bin/djangoctl.sh initialize
# Access
May need to open firewall on server, `TCP/8000`.
# Use
In web browser go to server IP, port 8000.
Log in with super user created above when initializing.
It will verify email address. Look in the output of the
terminal running the django command above for the URL
to validate the email address (assuming no email is
actually used).
# Upstream
See upstream `README-upstream.md`.
* https://db.satnogs.org/
* https://gitlab.com/librespacefoundation/satnogs/satnogs-db.git
* https://docs.satnogs.org/projects/satnogs-db/en/stable/