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Raw Normal View History

"""SatNOGS Network scheduling functions"""
import math
from datetime import timedelta
import ephem
from django.conf import settings
from django.utils.timezone import make_aware, now, utc
from network.base.models import LatestTle, Observation, Satellite
from network.base.perms import schedule_station_perms
from network.base.validators import NegativeElevationError, \
ObservationOverlapError, SinglePassError
def get_altitude(observer, satellite, date):
"""Returns altitude of satellite in a specific date for a specific observer"""
observer = observer.copy()
satellite = satellite.copy()
observer.date = date
return float(format(math.degrees(satellite.alt), '.0f'))
def get_azimuth(observer, satellite, date):
"""Returns azimuth of satellite in a specific date for a specific observer"""
observer = observer.copy()
satellite = satellite.copy()
observer.date = date
return float(format(math.degrees(satellite.az), '.0f'))
def over_min_duration(duration):
"""Returns if duration is bigger than the minimum one set in settings"""
return duration > settings.OBSERVATION_DURATION_MIN
def max_altitude_in_window(observer, satellite, pass_tca, window_start, window_end):
"""Finds the maximum altitude of a satellite during a certain observation window"""
# In this case this is an overlapped observation
# re-calculate altitude and start/end azimuth
if window_start > pass_tca:
# Observation window in the second half of the pass
# Thus highest altitude right at the beginning of the window
return get_altitude(observer, satellite, window_start)
elif window_end < pass_tca:
# Observation window in the first half of the pass
# Thus highest altitude right at the end of the window
return get_altitude(observer, satellite, window_end)
return get_altitude(observer, satellite, pass_tca)
def resolve_overlaps(scheduled_obs, start, end):
This function checks for overlaps between all existing observations on `scheduled_obs`
and a potential new observation with given `start` and `end` time.
- ([], True) if total overlap exists
- ([(start1, end1), (start2, end2)], True) if the overlap happens in the middle
of the new observation
- ([(start, end)], True) if the overlap happens at one end
of the new observation
- ([(start, end)], False) if no overlap exists
overlapped = False
if scheduled_obs:
for datum in scheduled_obs:
if datum.start <= end and start <= datum.end:
overlapped = True
if datum.start <= start and datum.end >= end:
return ([], True)
if start < datum.start and end > datum.end:
# In case of splitting the window to two we
# check for overlaps for each generated window.
window1 = resolve_overlaps(
scheduled_obs, start, datum.start - timedelta(seconds=30)
window2 = resolve_overlaps(
scheduled_obs, datum.end + timedelta(seconds=30), end
return (window1[0] + window2[0], True)
if datum.start <= start:
start = datum.end + timedelta(seconds=30)
if datum.end >= end:
end = datum.start - timedelta(seconds=30)
return ([(start, end)], overlapped)
def create_station_window(
window_start, window_end, azr, azs, altitude, tle, valid_duration, overlapped,
"""Creates an observation window"""
return {
'start': window_start.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),
'end': window_end.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"),
'az_start': azr,
'az_end': azs,
'elev_max': altitude,
'tle0': tle.tle0,
'tle1': tle.tle1,
'tle2': tle.tle2,
'valid_duration': valid_duration,
'overlapped': overlapped,
'overlap_ratio': overlap_ratio
def create_station_windows(scheduled_obs, overlapped, pass_params, observer, satellite, tle):
2018-12-15 16:32:24 -07:00
This function takes a pre-calculated pass (described by pass_params) over a certain station
and a list of already scheduled observations, and calculates observation windows during which
the station is available to observe the pass.
Returns the list of all available observation windows
station_windows = []
windows, windows_changed = resolve_overlaps(
scheduled_obs, pass_params['rise_time'], pass_params['set_time']
if not windows:
# No overlapping windows found
return []
if windows_changed:
# Windows changed due to overlap, recalculate observation parameters
if overlapped == 0:
return []
elif overlapped == 1:
initial_duration = (pass_params['set_time'] - pass_params['rise_time']).total_seconds()
for window_start, window_end in windows:
altitude = max_altitude_in_window(
observer, satellite, pass_params['tca_time'], window_start, window_end
window_duration = (window_end - window_start).total_seconds()
if not over_min_duration(window_duration):
# Add a window for a partial pass
window_start, window_end, get_azimuth(observer, satellite, window_start),
get_azimuth(observer, satellite, window_end), altitude, tle, True, True,
min(1, 1 - (window_duration / initial_duration))
elif overlapped == 2:
initial_duration = (pass_params['set_time'] - pass_params['rise_time']).total_seconds()
total_window_duration = 0
window_duration = 0
duration_validity = True
for window_start, window_end in windows:
window_duration = (window_end - window_start).total_seconds()
duration_validity = duration_validity and over_min_duration(window_duration)
total_window_duration += window_duration
# Add a window for the overlapped pass
pass_params['rise_time'], pass_params['set_time'], pass_params['rise_az'],
pass_params['set_az'], pass_params['tca_alt'], tle, duration_validity, True,
min(1, 1 - (window_duration / initial_duration))
window_duration = (windows[0][1] - windows[0][0]).total_seconds()
if over_min_duration(window_duration):
# Add a window for a full pass
pass_params['rise_time'], pass_params['set_time'], pass_params['rise_az'],
pass_params['set_az'], pass_params['tca_alt'], tle, True, False, 0
return station_windows
def next_pass(observer, satellite):
"""Returns the next pass of the satellite above the observer"""
rise_time, rise_az, tca_time, tca_alt, set_time, set_az = observer.next_pass(satellite, True)
# Convert output of pyephems.next_pass into processible values
pass_start = make_aware(ephem.Date(rise_time).datetime(), utc)
pass_end = make_aware(ephem.Date(set_time).datetime(), utc)
pass_tca = make_aware(ephem.Date(tca_time).datetime(), utc)
pass_azr = float(format(math.degrees(rise_az), '.0f'))
pass_azs = float(format(math.degrees(set_az), '.0f'))
pass_altitude = float(format(math.degrees(tca_alt), '.0f'))
return {
'rise_time': pass_start,
'set_time': pass_end,
'tca_time': pass_tca,
'rise_az': pass_azr,
'set_az': pass_azs,
'tca_alt': pass_altitude
def predict_available_observation_windows(station, min_horizon, overlapped, tle, start, end):
'''Calculate available observation windows for a certain station and satellite during
the given time period.
:param station: Station for scheduling
:type station: Station django.db.model.Model
:param min_horizon: Overwrite station minimum horizon if defined
:type min_horizon: integer or None
:param overlapped: Calculate and return overlapped observations fully, truncated or not at all
:type overlapped: integer values: 0 (no return), 1(truncated overlaps), 2(full overlaps)
:param tle: Satellite current TLE
:param tle: Satellite current TLE
:type tle: Tle django.db.model.Model
:param start: Start datetime of scheduling period
:type start: datetime string in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
:param end: End datetime of scheduling period
:type end: datetime string in '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'
:param sat: Satellite for scheduling
:type sat: Satellite django.db.model.Model
:return: List of passes found and list of available observation windows
passes_found = []
station_windows = []
tle_as_str_array = tle.str_array
# Initialize pyehem Satellite for propagation
satellite = ephem.readtle(*tle_as_str_array)
# Initialize pyephem Observer for propagation
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon = str(station.lng)
observer.lat = str(station.lat)
observer.elevation = station.alt
observer.date = ephem.Date(start)
if min_horizon is not None:
observer.horizon = str(min_horizon)
observer.horizon = str(station.horizon)
except ValueError:
return passes_found, station_windows
while True:
pass_params = next_pass(observer, satellite)
except ValueError:
# no match if the sat will not rise above the configured min horizon
if pass_params['rise_time'] >= end:
# start of next pass outside of window bounds
if pass_params['set_time'] > end:
# end of next pass outside of window bounds
time_start_new = pass_params['set_time'] + timedelta(minutes=1)
observer.date = time_start_new.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
window_duration = (pass_params['set_time'] - pass_params['rise_time']).total_seconds()
if not over_min_duration(window_duration):
# Check if overlaps with existing scheduled observations
# Adjust or discard window if overlaps exist
scheduled_obs = station.scheduled_obs
scheduled_obs, overlapped, pass_params, observer, satellite, tle
return passes_found, station_windows
def create_new_observation(station, transmitter, start, end, author):
"""Creates and returns a new Observation object"""
scheduled_obs = Observation.objects.filter(ground_station=station).filter(end__gt=now())
window = resolve_overlaps(scheduled_obs, start, end)
if window[1]:
raise ObservationOverlapError(
'One or more observations of station {0} overlap with the already scheduled ones.'.
sat = Satellite.objects.get(norad_cat_id=transmitter['norad_cat_id'])
tle = LatestTle.objects.get(satellite_id=sat.id)
sat_ephem = ephem.readtle(str(tle.tle0), str(tle.tle1), str(tle.tle2))
observer = ephem.Observer()
observer.lon = str(station.lng)
observer.lat = str(station.lat)
observer.elevation = station.alt
mid_pass_time = start + (end - start) / 2
rise_azimuth = get_azimuth(observer, sat_ephem, start)
rise_altitude = get_altitude(observer, sat_ephem, start)
max_altitude = get_altitude(observer, sat_ephem, mid_pass_time)
set_azimuth = get_azimuth(observer, sat_ephem, end)
set_altitude = get_altitude(observer, sat_ephem, end)
if rise_altitude < 0:
raise NegativeElevationError(
"Satellite with transmitter {} has negative altitude ({})"
" for station {} at start datetime: {}".format(
transmitter['uuid'], rise_altitude, station.id, start
if set_altitude < 0:
raise NegativeElevationError(
"Satellite with transmitter {} has negative altitude ({})"
" for station {} at end datetime: {}".format(
transmitter['uuid'], set_altitude, station.id, end
# Using a short time (1min later) after start for finding the next pass of the satellite to
# check that end datetime is before the start datetime of the next pass, in other words that
# end time belongs to the same single pass.
observer.date = start + timedelta(minutes=1)
next_satellite_pass = next_pass(observer, sat_ephem)
if next_satellite_pass['rise_time'] < end:
raise SinglePassError(
"Observation should include only one pass of the satellite with transmitter {}"
" on station {}, please check start({}) and end({}) datetimes and try again".format(
transmitter['uuid'], station.id, start, end
return Observation(
def get_available_stations(stations, downlink, user):
"""Returns stations for scheduling filtered by a specific downlink and user's permissions"""
available_stations = []
for station in stations:
2019-02-24 13:41:35 -07:00
if not schedule_station_perms(user, station):
# Skip if this station is not capable of receiving the frequency
if not downlink:
frequency_supported = False
for gs_antenna in station.antenna.all():
if gs_antenna.frequency <= downlink <= gs_antenna.frequency_max:
frequency_supported = True
if not frequency_supported:
return available_stations