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Roadmap for sattools development

This document describes planned changes to the sattools repository.


The sattools began as a set of tools to help with tracking satellites using video and photographic cameras. The choice of C was one of familiarity with the code. Where possible, available libraries such as wcslib, gsl, qfits and pgplot were used. Some of these libraries are hard to build, raising the threshold for using sattools.

With python becoming more and more popular, it makes sense to port some of the sattools functionality over to python, and use powerful libraries such as numpy, scipy, astropy, matplotlib and opencv for the core calculations of these tools. Porting the tools to another language has the added bonus that it is easier to solve mistakes made in designing the C code and improve functionality.

Planned changes

The applications of the sattools repository can be divided into three categories;

  1. general purpose tools
  2. tools for video observing
  3. tools for photographic observing

Tools for radio observing have already been developed in their own repository strf: https://github.com/cbassa/strf. Porting tools for video observing is currently underway in the stvid repository: https://github.com/cbassa/stvid. The tools for photographic observing will live under a future repository, likely to be called stphot. An experimental project to use all-sky cameras for satellite observing is being developed in the asm repository: https://github.com/cbassa/asm (this could be renamed to stasm or stas; better suggestions are welcome).

Tools sattools stvid stphot Purpose Future
addwcs x x Add/fits a WCS to FITS file Changed to a python function
allnight x Compute sunrise/sunset times Stand alone tool
angular x Compute angular distances Stand alone tool
calibrate x x Manually calibrate WCS Stand alone tool
confirm Confirm satellite identifications Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
cvs2tle Deprecated
dec2sex x Convert decimal to sexagesimal Stand alone tool
deproject Deprecated
detect Detect satellite tracks Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
fakeiod x Generate a fake IOD observation Stand alone tool
faketle x Generate a fake TLE Stand alone tool
fitsheader x Read a FITS header Stand alone tool
imgstat Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
jpg2fits x Convert a JPG image to FITS Stand alone tool
launchtle x Adjust a TLE to a new launch time Stand alone tool
measure x Measure satellite positions in photographic observations Stand alone tool
mvtle Move a TLE Deprecated
normal Compute the normal of an orbit Deprecated
pass x Compute satellite passes Stand alone tool
pgm2fits Convert individual video frames to FITS Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
plotfits Manually calibrate WCS Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
posmatch Match satellite positions Deprecated
posvel Compute satellite position and velocity Deprecated
propagate x Propagate a TLE to a new epoch Stand alone tool
pstrack Perform a brute force plane scan Deprecated
rde2iod x Convert positions from RDE to IOD format Stand alone tool
reduce x Measure satellite positions in photographic observations Stand alone tool
residuals x Compute residuals between IOD observations and TLEs Stand alone tool
runsched x x Control INDI controlled telescope mounts To be replaced with stvid/stphot functionality
rv2tle x Convert a position and velocity into a TLE Stand alone tool
satfit x Fit a TLE to IOD observations Stand alone tool
satid x x Compute satellite predictions for images Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
satmap x Vizualize satellite tracks on a map of Earth Stand alone tool
satorbit x Vizualize satellite orbits around a spherical Earth Stand alone tool
sex2dec x Convert sexagesimal to decimal Stand alone tool
skymap x Vizualize satellite tracks on the sky, plan observations Stand alone tool
slewto x x Control INDI controlled telescope mounts To be replaced with stvid/stphot functionality
stviewer View/plot video FITS files Deprecated
tle2ole Print TLE parameters on a single line Deprecated
tle2rv x Compute satellite position and velocity Deprecated
tleinfo x Print useful TLE info Stand alone tool
tleupdate x x x Update TLE catalogs To be replaced by stvid\s update_tle.py
uk2iod x Convert positions from UK to IOD format Stand alone tool
waitfor Wait for nearest integer second Deprecated
wcsfit Fit a WCS Deprecated, replaced with stvid functionality
xyz2tle Deprecated

Porting status

Tool Who Status
skymap Cees Ongoing