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Raw Normal View History

// render.cpp
// Copyright (C) 2001-2009, the Celestia Development Team
// Original version by Chris Laurel <claurel@gmail.com>
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <fmt/printf.h>
#include "render.h"
#include "boundaries.h"
2020-04-18 09:10:08 -06:00
#include "dsorenderer.h"
#include "asterism.h"
#include "astro.h"
#include "vecgl.h"
#include "glshader.h"
#include "shadermanager.h"
#include "spheremesh.h"
#include "lodspheremesh.h"
#include "geometry.h"
#include "texmanager.h"
#include "meshmanager.h"
#include "renderinfo.h"
#include "renderglsl.h"
#include "axisarrow.h"
#include "frametree.h"
#include "timelinephase.h"
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
#include "skygrid.h"
#include "modelgeometry.h"
#include "curveplot.h"
#include "shadermanager.h"
#include "rectangle.h"
#include "framebuffer.h"
#include "pointstarvertexbuffer.h"
#include "pointstarrenderer.h"
#include "orbitsampler.h"
#include "asterismrenderer.h"
#include "boundariesrenderer.h"
2019-12-18 11:56:34 -07:00
#include "rendcontext.h"
#include "vertexobject.h"
#include <celengine/observer.h>
#include <celmath/frustum.h>
#include <celmath/distance.h>
#include <celmath/intersect.h>
#include <celmath/geomutil.h>
#include <celutil/logger.h>
#include <celutil/utf8.h>
#include <celutil/timer.h>
2019-12-18 11:56:34 -07:00
#include <celttf/truetypefont.h>
#include "glsupport.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <numeric>
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <malloc.h>
2021-07-12 13:13:07 -06:00
#ifndef alloca
#define alloca(s) _alloca(s)
2021-07-12 13:13:07 -06:00
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
using namespace celestia;
2019-05-16 15:51:11 -06:00
using namespace celmath;
using celestia::util::GetLogger;
#define FOV 45.0f
#define NEAR_DIST 0.5f
#define FAR_DIST 1.0e9f
static const int REF_DISTANCE_TO_SCREEN = 400; //[mm]
// Contribution from planetshine beyond this distance (in units of object radius)
// is considered insignificant.
static const float PLANETSHINE_DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR = 100.0f;
// Planetshine from objects less than this pixel size is treated as insignificant
// and will be ignored.
static const float PLANETSHINE_PIXEL_SIZE_LIMIT = 0.1f;
// Distance from the Sun at which comet tails will start to fade out
static const float COMET_TAIL_ATTEN_DIST_SOL = astro::AUtoKilometers(5.0f);
// Fractional pixel offset used when rendering text as texture mapped
// quads to ensure consistent mapping of texels to pixels.
static const float PixelOffset = 0.125f;
// These two values constrain the near and far planes of the view frustum
// when rendering planet and object meshes. The near plane will never be
// closer than MinNearPlaneDistance, and the far plane is set so that far/near
// will not exceed MaxFarNearRatio.
static const float MinNearPlaneDistance = 0.0001f; // km
static const float MaxFarNearRatio = 2000000.0f;
static const float MinRelativeOccluderRadius = 0.005f;
// The minimum apparent size of an objects orbit in pixels before we display
// a label for it. This minimizes label clutter.
static const float MinOrbitSizeForLabel = 20.0f;
// The minimum apparent size of a surface feature in pixels before we display
// a label for it.
static const float MinFeatureSizeForLabel = 20.0f;
/* The maximum distance of the observer to the origin of coordinates before
asterism lines and labels start to linearly fade out (in light years) */
static const float MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist = 6.0f;
static const float MaxAsterismLinesConstDist = 600.0f;
/* The maximum distance of the observer to the origin of coordinates before
asterisms labels and lines fade out completely (in light years) */
static const float MaxAsterismLabelsDist = 20.0f;
static const float MaxAsterismLinesDist = 6.52e4f;
// Static meshes and textures used by all instances of Simulation
static bool commonDataInitialized = false;
LODSphereMesh* g_lodSphere = nullptr;
static Texture* gaussianDiscTex = nullptr;
static Texture* gaussianGlareTex = nullptr;
static const float CoronaHeight = 0.2f;
static const int MaxSkyRings = 32;
static const int MaxSkySlices = 180;
static const int MinSkySlices = 30;
// Size at which the orbit cache will be flushed of old orbit paths
static const unsigned int OrbitCacheCullThreshold = 200;
// Age in frames at which unused orbit paths may be eliminated from the cache
static const uint32_t OrbitCacheRetireAge = 16;
Color Renderer::StarLabelColor (0.471f, 0.356f, 0.682f);
Color Renderer::PlanetLabelColor (0.407f, 0.333f, 0.964f);
2019-10-26 13:55:03 -06:00
Color Renderer::DwarfPlanetLabelColor (0.557f, 0.235f, 0.576f);
Color Renderer::MoonLabelColor (0.231f, 0.733f, 0.792f);
Color Renderer::MinorMoonLabelColor (0.231f, 0.733f, 0.792f);
Color Renderer::AsteroidLabelColor (0.596f, 0.305f, 0.164f);
Color Renderer::CometLabelColor (0.768f, 0.607f, 0.227f);
Color Renderer::SpacecraftLabelColor (0.93f, 0.93f, 0.93f);
Color Renderer::LocationLabelColor (0.24f, 0.89f, 0.43f);
Color Renderer::GalaxyLabelColor (0.0f, 0.45f, 0.5f);
2008-09-20 08:17:39 -06:00
Color Renderer::GlobularLabelColor (0.8f, 0.45f, 0.5f);
Color Renderer::NebulaLabelColor (0.541f, 0.764f, 0.278f);
Color Renderer::OpenClusterLabelColor (0.239f, 0.572f, 0.396f);
Color Renderer::ConstellationLabelColor (0.225f, 0.301f, 0.36f);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Color Renderer::EquatorialGridLabelColor(0.64f, 0.72f, 0.88f);
Color Renderer::PlanetographicGridLabelColor(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Color Renderer::GalacticGridLabelColor (0.88f, 0.72f, 0.64f);
Color Renderer::EclipticGridLabelColor (0.72f, 0.64f, 0.88f);
Color Renderer::HorizonGridLabelColor (0.72f, 0.72f, 0.72f);
Color Renderer::StarOrbitColor (0.5f, 0.5f, 0.8f);
Color Renderer::PlanetOrbitColor (0.3f, 0.323f, 0.833f);
2019-10-26 13:55:03 -06:00
Color Renderer::DwarfPlanetOrbitColor (0.557f, 0.235f, 0.576f);
Color Renderer::MoonOrbitColor (0.08f, 0.407f, 0.392f);
Color Renderer::MinorMoonOrbitColor (0.08f, 0.407f, 0.392f);
Color Renderer::AsteroidOrbitColor (0.58f, 0.152f, 0.08f);
Color Renderer::CometOrbitColor (0.639f, 0.487f, 0.168f);
Color Renderer::SpacecraftOrbitColor (0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
Color Renderer::SelectionOrbitColor (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
Color Renderer::ConstellationColor (0.0f, 0.24f, 0.36f);
Color Renderer::BoundaryColor (0.24f, 0.10f, 0.12f);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Color Renderer::EquatorialGridColor (0.28f, 0.28f, 0.38f);
Color Renderer::PlanetographicGridColor (0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
Color Renderer::PlanetEquatorColor (0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Color Renderer::GalacticGridColor (0.38f, 0.38f, 0.28f);
Color Renderer::EclipticGridColor (0.38f, 0.28f, 0.38f);
Color Renderer::HorizonGridColor (0.38f, 0.38f, 0.38f);
Color Renderer::EclipticColor (0.5f, 0.1f, 0.1f);
Color Renderer::SelectionCursorColor (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// Some useful unit conversions
inline float mmToInches(float mm)
return mm * (1.0f / 25.4f);
inline float inchesToMm(float in)
return in * 25.4f;
// Fade function for objects that shouldn't be shown when they're too small
// on screen such as orbit paths and some object labels. The will fade linearly
// from invisible at minSize pixels to full visibility at opaqueScale*minSize.
inline float sizeFade(float screenSize, float minScreenSize, float opaqueScale)
return min(1.0f, (screenSize - minScreenSize) / (minScreenSize * (opaqueScale - 1)));
// Calculate the cosine of half the maximum field of view. We'll use this for
// fast testing of object visibility. The function takes the vertical FOV (in
// degrees) as an argument. When computing the view cone, we want the field of
// view as measured on the diagonal between viewport corners.
double computeCosViewConeAngle(double verticalFOV, double width, double height)
double h = tan(degToRad(verticalFOV / 2));
double diag = sqrt(1.0 + square(h) + square(h * width / height));
return 1.0 / diag;
Renderer::Renderer() :
cosViewConeAngle(computeCosViewConeAngle(fov, 1, 1)),
faintestAutoMag45deg(8.0f), //def. 7.0f
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
labelMode(LocationLabels), //def. NoLabels
orbitMask(Body::Planet | Body::Moon | Body::Stellar),
pointStarVertexBuffer = new PointStarVertexBuffer(*this, 2048);
glareVertexBuffer = new PointStarVertexBuffer(*this, 2048);
skyVertices = new SkyVertex[MaxSkySlices * (MaxSkyRings + 1)];
skyIndices = new uint32_t[(MaxSkySlices + 1) * 2 * MaxSkyRings];
skyContour = new SkyContourPoint[MaxSkySlices + 1];
colorTemp = GetStarColorTable(ColorTable_Blackbody_D65);
for (int i = 0; i < (int) FontCount; i++)
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
fonts[i] = nullptr;
shaderManager = new ShaderManager();
delete pointStarVertexBuffer;
delete glareVertexBuffer;
delete[] skyVertices;
delete[] skyIndices;
delete[] skyContour;
delete shaderManager;
delete m_asterismRenderer;
delete m_boundariesRenderer;
for (auto p : m_VertexObjects)
delete p;
Renderer::DetailOptions::DetailOptions() :
#if 0
// Not used yet.
// The RectToSpherical map converts XYZ coordinates to UV coordinates
// via a cube map lookup. However, a lot of GPUs don't support linear
// interpolation of textures with > 8 bits per component, which is
// inadequate precision for storing texture coordinates. To work around
// this, we'll store the u and v texture coordinates with two 8 bit
// coordinates each: rg for u, ba for v. The coordinates are unpacked
// as: u = r * 255/256 + g * 1/255
// v = b * 255/256 + a * 1/255
// This gives an effective precision of 16 bits for each texture coordinate.
static void RectToSphericalMapEval(float x, float y, float z,
unsigned char* pixel)
// Compute spherical coodinates (r is always 1)
double phi = asin(y);
double theta = atan2(z, -x);
// Convert to texture coordinates
double u = (theta / PI + 1.0) * 0.5;
double v = (-phi / PI + 0.5);
// Pack texture coordinates in red/green and blue/alpha
// u = red + green/256
// v = blue* + alpha/256
uint16_t rg = (uint16_t) (u * 65535.99);
uint16_t ba = (uint16_t) (v * 65535.99);
pixel[0] = rg >> 8;
pixel[1] = rg & 0xff;
pixel[2] = ba >> 8;
pixel[3] = ba & 0xff;
static void BuildGaussianDiscMipLevel(unsigned char* mipPixels,
unsigned int log2size,
float fwhm,
float power)
unsigned int size = 1 << log2size;
float sigma = fwhm / 2.3548f;
float isig2 = 1.0f / (2.0f * sigma * sigma);
2021-12-31 06:04:47 -07:00
float s = 1.0f / (sigma * (float) sqrt(2.0 * celestia::numbers::pi));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
float y = (float) i - size / 2;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
float x = (float) j - size / 2;
float r2 = x * x + y * y;
float f = s * (float) exp(-r2 * isig2) * power;
mipPixels[i * size + j] = (unsigned char) (255.99f * min(f, 1.0f));
static void BuildGlareMipLevel(unsigned char* mipPixels,
unsigned int log2size,
float scale,
float base)
unsigned int size = 1 << log2size;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
float y = (float) i - size / 2;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
float x = (float) j - size / 2;
auto r = (float) sqrt(x * x + y * y);
auto f = (float) pow(base, r * scale);
mipPixels[i * size + j] = (unsigned char) (255.99f * min(f, 1.0f));
2007-01-05 19:18:49 -07:00
#if 0
// An alternate glare function, based roughly on results in Spencer, G. et al,
// 1995, "Physically-Based Glare Effects for Digital Images"
static void BuildGlareMipLevel2(unsigned char* mipPixels,
unsigned int log2size,
float scale)
unsigned int size = 1 << log2size;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < size; i++)
float y = (float) i - size / 2;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < size; j++)
float x = (float) j - size / 2;
float r = (float) sqrt(x * x + y * y);
float f = 0.3f / (0.3f + r * r * scale * scale * 100);
if (i == 0 || j == 0 || i == size - 1 || j == size - 1)
f = 1.0f;
mipPixels[i * size + j] = (unsigned char) (255.99f * min(f, 1.0f));
2007-01-05 19:18:49 -07:00
static Texture* BuildGaussianDiscTexture(unsigned int log2size)
unsigned int size = 1 << log2size;
Image* img = new Image(PixelFormat::LUMINANCE, size, size, log2size + 1);
for (unsigned int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel <= log2size; mipLevel++)
float fwhm = (float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)) * 0.3f;
log2size - mipLevel,
(float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)));
ImageTexture* texture = new ImageTexture(*img,
delete img;
return texture;
static Texture* BuildGaussianGlareTexture(unsigned int log2size)
unsigned int size = 1 << log2size;
Image* img = new Image(PixelFormat::LUMINANCE, size, size, log2size + 1);
for (unsigned int mipLevel = 0; mipLevel <= log2size; mipLevel++)
// Optional gaussian glare
float fwhm = (float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)) * 0.15f;
float power = (float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)) * 0.15f;
log2size - mipLevel,
log2size - mipLevel,
25.0f / (float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)),
log2size - mipLevel,
1.0f / (float) pow(2.0f, (float) (log2size - mipLevel)));
ImageTexture* texture = new ImageTexture(*img,
delete img;
return texture;
static int translateLabelModeToClassMask(int labelMode)
int classMask = 0;
if (labelMode & Renderer::PlanetLabels)
classMask |= Body::Planet;
if (labelMode & Renderer::DwarfPlanetLabels)
classMask |= Body::DwarfPlanet;
if (labelMode & Renderer::MoonLabels)
classMask |= Body::Moon;
if (labelMode & Renderer::MinorMoonLabels)
classMask |= Body::MinorMoon;
if (labelMode & Renderer::AsteroidLabels)
classMask |= Body::Asteroid;
if (labelMode & Renderer::CometLabels)
classMask |= Body::Comet;
if (labelMode & Renderer::SpacecraftLabels)
classMask |= Body::Spacecraft;
return classMask;
// Depth comparison function for render list entries
bool operator<(const RenderListEntry& a, const RenderListEntry& b)
// Operation is reversed because -z axis points into the screen
return a.centerZ - a.radius > b.centerZ - b.radius;
// Depth comparison for labels
// Note that it's essential to declare this operator as a member
// function of Renderer::Label; if it's not a class member, C++'s
// argument dependent lookup will not find the operator when it's
// used as a predicate for STL algorithms.
bool Renderer::Annotation::operator<(const Annotation& a) const
// Operation is reversed because -z axis points into the screen
return position.z() > a.position.z();
// Depth comparison for orbit paths
bool Renderer::OrbitPathListEntry::operator<(const Renderer::OrbitPathListEntry& o) const
// Operation is reversed because -z axis points into the screen
return centerZ - radius > o.centerZ - o.radius;
bool Renderer::init(
int winWidth, int winHeight,
DetailOptions& _detailOptions)
detailOptions = _detailOptions;
// Initialize static meshes and textures common to all instances of Renderer
if (!commonDataInitialized)
g_lodSphere = new LODSphereMesh();
2019-12-05 07:41:55 -07:00
gaussianDiscTex = BuildGaussianDiscTexture(8);
gaussianGlareTex = BuildGaussianGlareTexture(9);
commonDataInitialized = true;
if (gl::MESA_pack_invert)
// LEQUAL rather than LESS required for multipass rendering
resize(winWidth, winHeight);
return true;
void Renderer::resize(int width, int height)
windowWidth = width;
windowHeight = height;
cosViewConeAngle = computeCosViewConeAngle(fov, windowWidth, windowHeight);
// glViewport(windowWidth, windowHeight);
m_orthoProjMatrix = Ortho2D(0.0f, (float)windowWidth, 0.0f, (float)windowHeight);
2003-01-01 16:48:15 -07:00
float Renderer::calcPixelSize(float fovY, float windowHeight)
if (getProjectionMode() == ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode)
return 2.0f / windowHeight;
2003-01-01 16:48:15 -07:00
return 2 * (float) tan(degToRad(fovY / 2.0)) / (float) windowHeight;
void Renderer::setFieldOfView(float _fov)
fov = _fov;
corrFac = (0.12f * fov/FOV * fov/FOV + 1.0f);
cosViewConeAngle = computeCosViewConeAngle(fov, windowWidth, windowHeight);
int Renderer::getScreenDpi() const
return screenDpi;
int Renderer::getWindowWidth() const
return windowWidth;
int Renderer::getWindowHeight() const
return windowHeight;
void Renderer::setScreenDpi(int _dpi)
screenDpi = _dpi;
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
float Renderer::getScaleFactor() const
return screenDpi / 96.0f;
float Renderer::getPointWidth() const
return 2.0f / windowWidth * getScaleFactor();
float Renderer::getPointHeight() const
return 2.0f / windowHeight * getScaleFactor();
float Renderer::getLineWidthX() const
return ((renderFlags | ShowSmoothLines) ? 1.5f : 1.0f) * getPointWidth();
float Renderer::getLineWidthY() const
return ((renderFlags | ShowSmoothLines) ? 1.5f : 1.0f) * getPointHeight();
float Renderer::getRasterizedLineWidth(float multiplier) const
return multiplier * ((renderFlags | ShowSmoothLines) ? 1.5f : 1.0f) * getScaleFactor();
bool Renderer::shouldDrawLineAsTriangles(float multiplier) const
return getRasterizedLineWidth(multiplier) > celestia::gl::maxLineWidth;
void Renderer::setFaintestAM45deg(float _faintestAutoMag45deg)
faintestAutoMag45deg = _faintestAutoMag45deg;
float Renderer::getFaintestAM45deg() const
return faintestAutoMag45deg;
unsigned int Renderer::getResolution() const
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
return textureResolution;
void Renderer::setResolution(unsigned int resolution)
if (resolution < TEXTURE_RESOLUTION)
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
textureResolution = resolution;
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
std::shared_ptr<TextureFont> Renderer::getFont(FontStyle fs) const
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
return fonts[(int) fs];
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
void Renderer::setFont(FontStyle fs, const std::shared_ptr<TextureFont>& font)
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
fonts[(int) fs] = font;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
void Renderer::setRenderMode(RenderMode _renderMode)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
case RenderMode::Fill:
renderMode = GL_FILL;
case RenderMode::Line:
renderMode = GL_LINE;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
uint64_t Renderer::getRenderFlags() const
return renderFlags;
void Renderer::setRenderFlags(uint64_t _renderFlags)
renderFlags = _renderFlags;
int Renderer::getLabelMode() const
return labelMode;
void Renderer::setLabelMode(int _labelMode)
labelMode = _labelMode;
Renderer::ProjectionMode Renderer::getProjectionMode() const
return projectionMode;
void Renderer::setProjectionMode(ProjectionMode _projectionMode)
projectionMode = _projectionMode;
shaderManager->setFisheyeEnabled(projectionMode == ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode);
int Renderer::getOrbitMask() const
return orbitMask;
void Renderer::setOrbitMask(int mask)
orbitMask = mask;
const ColorTemperatureTable*
Renderer::getStarColorTable() const
return colorTemp;
Renderer::setStarColorTable(const ColorTemperatureTable* ct)
colorTemp = ct;
2006-12-11 18:29:27 -07:00
bool Renderer::getVideoSync() const
return true;
2006-12-11 18:29:27 -07:00
void Renderer::setVideoSync(bool /*sync*/)
2006-12-11 18:29:27 -07:00
float Renderer::getAmbientLightLevel() const
return ambientLightLevel;
void Renderer::setAmbientLightLevel(float level)
ambientLightLevel = level;
float Renderer::getMinimumFeatureSize() const
return minFeatureSize;
void Renderer::setMinimumFeatureSize(float pixels)
minFeatureSize = pixels;
float Renderer::getMinimumOrbitSize() const
return minOrbitSize;
// Orbits and labels are only rendered when the orbit of the object
// occupies some minimum number of pixels on screen.
void Renderer::setMinimumOrbitSize(float pixels)
minOrbitSize = pixels;
float Renderer::getDistanceLimit() const
return distanceLimit;
void Renderer::setDistanceLimit(float distanceLimit_)
distanceLimit = distanceLimit_;
void Renderer::addAnnotation(vector<Annotation>& annotations,
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
const celestia::MarkerRepresentation* markerRep,
const string& labelText,
Color color,
const Vector3f& pos,
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
LabelAlignment halign,
LabelVerticalAlignment valign,
float size,
bool special)
GLint view[4] = { 0, 0, windowWidth, windowHeight };
Vector3f win;
bool fisheye = projectionMode == ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode;
bool success = fisheye ? ProjectFisheye(pos, m_modelMatrix, m_projMatrix, view, win) : ProjectPerspective(pos, m_MVPMatrix, view, win);
if (success)
float depth = pos.x() * m_modelMatrix(2, 0) +
pos.y() * m_modelMatrix(2, 1) +
pos.z() * m_modelMatrix(2, 2);
win.z() = -depth;
// use round to remove precision error (+/- 0.0000x)
// which causes label jittering
float x = round(win.x());
float y = round(win.y());
if (abs(x - win.x()) < 0.001) win.x() = x;
if (abs(y - win.y()) < 0.001) win.y() = y;
Annotation a;
if (!special || markerRep == nullptr)
a.labelText = labelText;
a.markerRep = markerRep;
a.color = color;
a.position = win;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
a.halign = halign;
a.valign = valign;
a.size = size;
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::addForegroundAnnotation(const celestia::MarkerRepresentation* markerRep,
const string& labelText,
Color color,
const Vector3f& pos,
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
LabelAlignment halign,
LabelVerticalAlignment valign,
float size)
addAnnotation(foregroundAnnotations, markerRep, labelText, color, pos, halign, valign, size);
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::addBackgroundAnnotation(const celestia::MarkerRepresentation* markerRep,
const string& labelText,
Color color,
const Vector3f& pos,
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
LabelAlignment halign,
LabelVerticalAlignment valign,
float size)
addAnnotation(backgroundAnnotations, markerRep, labelText, color, pos, halign, valign, size);
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::addSortedAnnotation(const celestia::MarkerRepresentation* markerRep,
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
const string& labelText,
Color color,
const Vector3f& pos,
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
LabelAlignment halign,
LabelVerticalAlignment valign,
float size)
addAnnotation(depthSortedAnnotations, markerRep, labelText, color, pos, halign, valign, size, true);
void Renderer::clearAnnotations(vector<Annotation>& annotations)
// Return the orientation of the camera used to render the current
// frame. Available only while rendering a frame.
const Quaternionf& Renderer::getCameraOrientation() const
return m_cameraOrientation;
float Renderer::getNearPlaneDistance() const
return depthPartitions[currentIntervalIndex].nearZ;
void Renderer::beginObjectAnnotations()
// It's an error to call beginObjectAnnotations a second time
// without first calling end.
objectAnnotationSetOpen = true;
void Renderer::endObjectAnnotations()
objectAnnotationSetOpen = false;
if (!objectAnnotations.empty())
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::addObjectAnnotation(const celestia::MarkerRepresentation* markerRep,
const string& labelText,
Color color,
const Vector3f& pos)
if (objectAnnotationSetOpen)
addAnnotation(objectAnnotations, markerRep, labelText, color, pos, AlignCenter, VerticalAlignCenter);
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if ((renderFlags & ShowSmoothLines) == 0)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// enableBlending();
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowSmoothLines) == 0)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// disableBlending();
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Vector4f renderOrbitColor(const Body *body, bool selected, float opacity)
Color orbitColor;
if (selected)
// Highlight the orbit of the selected object in red
orbitColor = Renderer::SelectionOrbitColor;
else if (body != nullptr && body->isOrbitColorOverridden())
orbitColor = body->getOrbitColor();
int classification;
if (body != nullptr)
classification = body->getOrbitClassification();
classification = Body::Stellar;
switch (classification)
case Body::Moon:
orbitColor = Renderer::MoonOrbitColor;
case Body::MinorMoon:
orbitColor = Renderer::MinorMoonOrbitColor;
case Body::Asteroid:
orbitColor = Renderer::AsteroidOrbitColor;
case Body::Comet:
orbitColor = Renderer::CometOrbitColor;
case Body::Spacecraft:
orbitColor = Renderer::SpacecraftOrbitColor;
case Body::Stellar:
orbitColor = Renderer::StarOrbitColor;
case Body::DwarfPlanet:
orbitColor = Renderer::DwarfPlanetOrbitColor;
case Body::Planet:
orbitColor = Renderer::PlanetOrbitColor;
return Vector4f(orbitColor.red(), orbitColor.green(), orbitColor.blue(), opacity * orbitColor.alpha());
void Renderer::renderOrbit(const OrbitPathListEntry& orbitPath,
double t,
const Quaterniond& cameraOrientation,
const Frustum& frustum,
float nearDist,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float farDist,
const Matrices& m)
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
ShaderProperties shadprop;
shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::VertexColors;
bool lineAsTriangles = shouldDrawLineAsTriangles();
if (lineAsTriangles)
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::LineAsTriangles;
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::UnlitModel;
auto *prog = shaderManager->getShader(shadprop);
2019-11-14 10:14:58 -07:00
if (prog == nullptr)
Body* body = orbitPath.body;
double nearZ = -nearDist; // negate, becase z is into the screen in camera space
double farZ = -farDist;
const Orbit* orbit = nullptr;
if (body != nullptr)
orbit = body->getOrbit(t);
orbit = orbitPath.star->getOrbit();
CurvePlot* cachedOrbit = nullptr;
OrbitCache::iterator cached = orbitCache.find(orbit);
if (cached != orbitCache.end())
2002-03-19 17:28:43 -07:00
cachedOrbit = cached->second;
2002-03-19 17:28:43 -07:00
// If it's not in the cache already
if (cachedOrbit == nullptr)
2002-03-19 17:28:43 -07:00
double startTime = t;
int nSamples = detailOptions.orbitPathSamplePoints;
// Adjust the number of samples used for aperiodic orbits--these aren't
// true orbits, but are sampled trajectories, generally of spacecraft.
// Better control is really needed--some sort of adaptive sampling would
// be ideal.
if (!orbit->isPeriodic())
double begin = 0.0, end = 0.0;
orbit->getValidRange(begin, end);
if (begin != end)
startTime = begin;
nSamples = (int) (orbit->getPeriod() * 100.0);
nSamples = max(min(nSamples, 1000), 100);
// If the orbit is aperiodic and doesn't have a
// finite duration, we don't render it. A compromise
// would be to pick some time window centered at the
// current time, but we'd have to pick some arbitrary
// duration.
nSamples = 0;
startTime = t - orbit->getPeriod();
cachedOrbit = new CurvePlot();
OrbitSampler sampler;
startTime + orbit->getPeriod(),
// If the orbit cache is full, first try and eliminate some old orbits
if (orbitCache.size() > OrbitCacheCullThreshold)
// Check for old orbits at most once per frame
if (lastOrbitCacheFlush != frameCount)
for (auto iter = orbitCache.begin(); iter != orbitCache.end();)
// Tricky code to eliminate a node in the orbit cache without screwing
// up the iterator. Should work in all STL implementations.
if (frameCount - iter->second->lastUsed() > OrbitCacheRetireAge)
lastOrbitCacheFlush = frameCount;
orbitCache[orbit] = cachedOrbit;
2002-03-19 17:28:43 -07:00
if (cachedOrbit->empty())
//*** Orbit rendering parameters
// The 'window' is the interval of time for which the orbit will be drawn.
// End of the orbit window relative to the current simulation time. Units
// are orbital periods. The default value is 0.5.
const double OrbitWindowEnd = detailOptions.orbitWindowEnd;
// Number of orbit periods shown. The orbit window is:
// [ t + (OrbitWindowEnd - OrbitPeriodsShown) * T, t + OrbitWindowEnd * T ]
// where t is the current simulation time and T is the orbital period.
// The default value is 1.0.
const double OrbitPeriodsShown = detailOptions.orbitPeriodsShown;
// Fraction of the window over which the orbit fades from opaque to transparent.
// Fading is disabled when this value is zero.
// The default value is 0.0.
const double LinearFadeFraction = detailOptions.linearFadeFraction;
// Extra size of the internal sample cache.
const double WindowSlack = 0.2;
// 'Periodic' orbits are generally not strictly periodic because of perturbations
// from other bodies. Here we update the trajectory samples to make sure that the
// orbit covers a time range centered at the current time and covering a full revolution.
if (orbit->isPeriodic())
double period = orbit->getPeriod();
double endTime = t + period * OrbitWindowEnd;
double startTime = endTime - period * OrbitPeriodsShown;
double currentWindowStart = cachedOrbit->startTime();
double currentWindowEnd = cachedOrbit->endTime();
double newWindowStart = startTime - period * WindowSlack;
double newWindowEnd = endTime + period * WindowSlack;
if (startTime < currentWindowStart)
// Remove samples at the end of the time window
// Trim the first sample (because it will be duplicated when we sample the orbit.)
cachedOrbit->removeSamplesBefore(cachedOrbit->startTime() * (1.0 + 1.0e-15));
// Add the new samples
OrbitSampler sampler;
orbit->sample(newWindowStart, min(currentWindowStart, newWindowEnd), sampler);
clog << "new sample count: " << cachedOrbit->sampleCount() << endl;
else if (endTime > currentWindowEnd)
// Remove samples at the beginning of the time window
// Trim the last sample (because it will be duplicated when we sample the orbit.)
cachedOrbit->removeSamplesAfter(cachedOrbit->endTime() * (1.0 - 1.0e-15));
// Add the new samples
OrbitSampler sampler;
orbit->sample(max(currentWindowEnd, newWindowStart), newWindowEnd, sampler);
clog << "new sample count: " << cachedOrbit->sampleCount() << endl;
// We perform vertex tranformations on the CPU because double precision is necessary to
// render orbits properly. Start by computing the modelview matrix, to transform orbit
// vertices into camera space.
Affine3d modelview;
Quaterniond orientation = Quaterniond::Identity();
if (body)
orientation = body->getOrbitFrame(t)->getOrientation(t);
modelview = cameraOrientation * Translation3d(orbitPath.origin) * orientation.conjugate();
bool highlight;
if (body != nullptr)
highlight = highlightObject.body() == body;
highlight = highlightObject.star() == orbitPath.star;
Vector4f orbitColor = renderOrbitColor(body, highlight, orbitPath.opacity);
glLineStipple(3, 0x5555);
2020-12-01 00:07:15 -07:00
double subdivisionThreshold = pixelSize * 40.0;
Eigen::Vector3d viewFrustumPlaneNormals[4];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
viewFrustumPlaneNormals[i] = frustum.plane(i).normal().cast<double>();
2019-11-14 10:14:58 -07:00
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
if (lineAsTriangles)
prog->lineWidthX = getPointWidth();
prog->lineWidthY = getPointHeight();
if (orbit->isPeriodic())
double period = orbit->getPeriod();
double windowEnd = t + period * OrbitWindowEnd;
double windowStart = windowEnd - period * OrbitPeriodsShown;
double windowDuration = windowEnd - windowStart;
if (LinearFadeFraction == 0.0f || (renderFlags & ShowFadingOrbits) == 0)
nearZ, farZ, viewFrustumPlaneNormals,
windowStart, windowEnd,
orbitColor, lineAsTriangles);
nearZ, farZ, viewFrustumPlaneNormals,
windowStart, windowEnd,
windowEnd - windowDuration * (1.0 - LinearFadeFraction),
2002-03-19 17:28:43 -07:00
if ((renderFlags & ShowPartialTrajectories) != 0)
// Show the trajectory from the start time until the current simulation time
nearZ, farZ, viewFrustumPlaneNormals,
cachedOrbit->startTime(), t,
orbitColor, lineAsTriangles);
// Show the entire trajectory
nearZ, farZ, viewFrustumPlaneNormals,
orbitColor, lineAsTriangles);
2020-12-01 00:07:15 -07:00
// Convert a position in the universal coordinate system to astrocentric
// coordinates, taking into account possible orbital motion of the star.
static Vector3d astrocentricPosition(const UniversalCoord& pos,
const Star& star,
double t)
return pos.offsetFromKm(star.getPosition(t));
void Renderer::autoMag(float& faintestMag)
float fieldCorr;
if (getProjectionMode() == ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode)
fieldCorr = 2.0f - 2000.0f / (windowHeight / (screenDpi / 25.4f / 3.78f) + 1000.0f); // larger window height = more stars to display
fieldCorr= 2.0f * FOV / (fov + FOV);
faintestMag = (float) (faintestAutoMag45deg * sqrt(fieldCorr));
saturationMag = saturationMagNight * (1.0f + fieldCorr * fieldCorr);
// Set up the light sources for rendering a solar system. The positions of
// all nearby stars are converted from universal to viewer-centered
// coordinates.
static void
setupLightSources(const vector<const Star*>& nearStars,
const UniversalCoord& observerPos,
double t,
vector<LightSource>& lightSources,
uint64_t renderFlags)
for (const auto star : nearStars)
if (star->getVisibility())
Vector3d v = star->getPosition(t).offsetFromKm(observerPos);
LightSource ls;
ls.position = v;
ls.luminosity = star->getLuminosity();
ls.radius = star->getRadius();
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowTintedIllumination) != 0)
// If the star is sufficiently cool, change the light color
// from white. Though our sun appears yellow, we still make
// it and all hotter stars emit white light, as this is the
// 'natural' light to which our eyes are accustomed. We also
// assign a slight bluish tint to light from O and B type stars,
// though these will almost never have planets for their light
// to shine upon.
float temp = star->getTemperature();
if (temp > 30000.0f)
ls.color = Color(0.8f, 0.8f, 1.0f);
else if (temp > 10000.0f)
ls.color = Color(0.9f, 0.9f, 1.0f);
else if (temp > 5400.0f)
ls.color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (temp > 3900.0f)
ls.color = Color(1.0f, 0.9f, 0.8f);
else if (temp > 2000.0f)
ls.color = Color(1.0f, 0.7f, 0.7f);
ls.color = Color(1.0f, 0.4f, 0.4f);
ls.color = Color(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
// Set up the potential secondary light sources for rendering solar system
// bodies.
static void
setupSecondaryLightSources(vector<SecondaryIlluminator>& secondaryIlluminators,
const vector<LightSource>& primaryIlluminators)
float au2 = square(astro::kilometersToAU(1.0f));
for (auto& i : secondaryIlluminators)
i.reflectedIrradiance = 0.0f;
for (const auto& j : primaryIlluminators)
i.reflectedIrradiance += j.luminosity / ((float) (i.position_v - j.position).squaredNorm() * au2);
i.reflectedIrradiance *= i.body->getReflectivity();
// Render an item from the render list
void Renderer::renderItem(const RenderListEntry& rle,
const Observer& observer,
float nearPlaneDistance,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float farPlaneDistance,
const Matrices& m)
switch (rle.renderableType)
case RenderListEntry::RenderableStar:
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance,
case RenderListEntry::RenderableBody:
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance,
case RenderListEntry::RenderableCometTail:
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
case RenderListEntry::RenderableReferenceMark:
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
void Renderer::render(const Observer& observer,
2002-01-07 15:48:32 -07:00
const Universe& universe,
float faintestMagNight,
const Selection& sel)
draw(observer, universe, faintestMagNight, sel);
void Renderer::draw(const Observer& observer,
const Universe& universe,
float faintestMagNight,
const Selection& sel)
// Get the observer's time
double now = observer.getTime();
realTime = observer.getRealTime();
settingsChanged = false;
// Compute the size of a pixel
pixelSize = calcPixelSize(fov, (float) windowHeight);
// Get the displayed surface texture set to use from the observer
displayedSurface = observer.getDisplayedSurface();
locationFilter = observer.getLocationFilter();
// Highlight the selected object
highlightObject = sel;
m_cameraOrientation = observer.getOrientationf();
// Get the view frustum used for culling in camera space.
Frustum frustum(degToRad(fov), getAspectRatio(), MinNearPlaneDistance);
// Get the transformed frustum, used for culling in the astrocentric coordinate
// system.
2019-11-07 14:56:26 -07:00
Frustum xfrustum(frustum);
// Set up the projection and modelview matrices.
// We'll usethem for positioning star and planet labels.
float aspectRatio = getAspectRatio();
if (getProjectionMode() == Renderer::ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode)
m_projMatrix = Ortho(-aspectRatio, aspectRatio, -1.0f, 1.0f, NEAR_DIST, FAR_DIST);
m_projMatrix = Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, NEAR_DIST, FAR_DIST);
m_modelMatrix = Affine3f(getCameraOrientation()).matrix();
2020-04-28 12:30:58 -06:00
m_MVPMatrix = m_projMatrix * m_modelMatrix;
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
// Put all solar system bodies into the render list. Stars close and
// large enough to have discernible surface detail are also placed in
// renderList.
// See if we want to use AutoMag.
if ((renderFlags & ShowAutoMag) != 0)
faintestMag = faintestMagNight;
saturationMag = saturationMagNight;
faintestPlanetMag = faintestMag;
2020-04-16 01:17:21 -06:00
if ((renderFlags & (ShowSolarSystemObjects | ShowOrbits)) != 0)
buildNearSystemsLists(universe, observer, xfrustum, now);
setupSecondaryLightSources(secondaryIlluminators, lightSourceList);
// Scan through the render list to see if we're inside a planetary
// atmosphere. If so, we need to adjust the sky color as well as the
// limiting magnitude of stars (so stars aren't visible in the daytime
// on planets with thick atmospheres.)
if ((renderFlags & ShowAtmospheres) != 0)
adjustMagnitudeInsideAtmosphere(faintestMag, saturationMag, now);
// Now we need to determine how to scale the brightness of stars. The
// brightness will be proportional to the apparent magnitude, i.e.
// a logarithmic function of the stars apparent brightness. This mimics
// the response of the human eye. We sort of fudge things here and
// maintain a minimum range of six magnitudes between faintest visible
// and saturation; this keeps stars from popping in or out as the sun
// sets or rises.
if (faintestMag - saturationMag >= 6.0f)
brightnessScale = 1.0f / (faintestMag - saturationMag);
brightnessScale = 0.1667f;
brightnessScale *= corrFac;
if (starStyle == ScaledDiscStars)
brightnessScale *= 2.0f;
// Calculate saturation magnitude
satPoint = faintestMag - (1.0f - brightnessBias) / brightnessScale;
ambientColor = Color(ambientLightLevel, ambientLightLevel, ambientLightLevel);
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
glClearColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
// Render sky grids first--these will always be in the background
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// Render deep sky objects
2020-04-16 01:17:21 -06:00
if ((renderFlags & ShowDeepSpaceObjects) != 0 && universe.getDSOCatalog() != nullptr)
renderDeepSkyObjects(universe, observer, faintestMag);
// Render stars
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
if ((renderFlags & ShowStars) != 0 && universe.getStarCatalog() != nullptr)
2018-09-30 12:40:56 -06:00
renderPointStars(*universe.getStarCatalog(), faintestMag, observer);
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
// Translate the camera before rendering the asterisms and boundaries
// Set up the camera for star rendering; the units of this phase
// are light years.
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Vector3f observerPosLY = -observer.getPosition().offsetFromLy(Vector3f::Zero());
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
Matrix4f projection = getProjectionMatrix();
Matrix4f modelView = getModelViewMatrix() * vecgl::translate(observerPosLY);
Matrices asterismMVP = { &projection, &modelView };
float dist = observerPosLY.norm() * 1.6e4f;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderAsterisms(universe, dist, asterismMVP);
renderBoundaries(universe, dist, asterismMVP);
2002-06-04 23:27:53 -06:00
// Render star and deep sky object labels
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
// Render constellations labels
if ((labelMode & ConstellationLabels) != 0 && universe.getAsterisms() != nullptr)
2002-01-07 15:48:32 -07:00
labelConstellations(*universe.getAsterisms(), observer);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
if ((renderFlags & ShowMarkers) != 0)
markersToAnnotations(*universe.getMarkers(), observer, now);
// Draw the selection cursor
bool selectionVisible = false;
if (!sel.empty() && (renderFlags & ShowMarkers) != 0)
selectionVisible = selectionToAnnotation(sel, observer, xfrustum, now);
// Render background markers; rendering of other markers is deferred until
// solar system objects are rendered.
// Sort the annotations
sort(depthSortedAnnotations.begin(), depthSortedAnnotations.end());
// Sort the orbit paths
sort(orbitPathList.begin(), orbitPathList.end());
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, (GLenum) renderMode);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
2020-07-11 03:42:04 -06:00
int nIntervals = buildDepthPartitions();
renderSolarSystemObjects(observer, nIntervals, now);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
if (!selectionVisible && (renderFlags & ShowMarkers))
renderSelectionPointer(observer, now, xfrustum, sel);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2019-11-10 15:13:39 -07:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
void renderLargePoint(Renderer &renderer,
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
const Vector3f &position,
const Color &color,
float size,
const Matrices &mvp)
auto *prog = renderer.getShaderManager().getShader("largestar");
if (prog == nullptr)
// Draw billboard for large points
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
prog->samplerParam("starTex") = 0;
prog->setMVPMatrices(*mvp.projection, *mvp.modelview);
prog->vec4Param("color") = color.toVector4();
prog->vec3Param("center") = position;
prog->floatParam("pointWidth") = size / renderer.getWindowWidth() * 2.0f;
prog->floatParam("pointHeight") = size / renderer.getWindowHeight() * 2.0f;
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
auto &vo = renderer.getVertexObject(VOType::LargeStar, GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
if (!vo.initialized())
const float texCoords[] = {
// offset // texCoords
-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
-0.5f, -0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f,
0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
-0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
0.5f, -0.5f, 1.0f, 1.0f,
0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.0f,
vo.allocate(sizeof(texCoords), texCoords);
vo.setVertices(2, GL_FLOAT, false, 4 * sizeof(float), 0);
vo.setTextureCoords(2, GL_FLOAT, false, 4 * sizeof(float), 2 * sizeof(float));
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
vo.draw(GL_TRIANGLES, 6);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
static Eigen::Vector3f
calculateQuadCenter(const Eigen::Quaternionf &cameraOrientation,
const Eigen::Vector3f &position,
float radius)
Matrix3f m = cameraOrientation.conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
// Offset the glare sprite so that it lies in front of the object
Vector3f direction = position.normalized();
// Position the sprite on the the line between the viewer and the
// object, and on a plane normal to the view direction.
return position + direction * (radius / (m * Vector3f::UnitZ()).dot(direction));
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
Renderer::calculatePointSize(float appMag,
float size,
float &discSize,
float &alpha,
float &glareSize,
float &glareAlpha) const
alpha = std::max(0.0f, (faintestMag - appMag) * brightnessScale + brightnessBias);
discSize = size;
if (starStyle == ScaledDiscStars)
if (alpha > 1.0f)
float discScale = std::min(MaxScaledDiscStarSize, pow(2.0f, 0.3f * (satPoint - appMag)));
discSize *= std::max(1.0f, discScale);
glareAlpha = std::min(0.5f, discScale / 4.0f);
glareSize = discSize * 3.0f;
alpha = 1.0f;
glareSize = glareAlpha = 0.0f;
if (alpha > 1.0f)
float discScale = std::min(100.0f, satPoint - appMag + 2.0f);
glareAlpha = std::min(GlareOpacity, (discScale - 2.0f) / 4.0f);
glareSize = 2.0f * discScale * size;
alpha = 1.0f;
glareSize = glareAlpha = 0.0f;
// If the an object occupies a pixel or less of screen space, we don't
// render its mesh at all and just display a starlike point instead.
// Switching between the particle and mesh renderings of an object is
// jarring, however . . . so we'll blend in the particle view of the
// object to smooth things out, making it dimmer as the disc size exceeds the
// max disc size.
void Renderer::renderObjectAsPoint(const Vector3f& position,
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
float radius,
float appMag,
float discSizeInPixels,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
const Color &color,
bool useHalos,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
bool emissive,
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
const Matrices &mvp)
const bool useScaledDiscs = starStyle == ScaledDiscStars;
float maxDiscSize = useScaledDiscs ? MaxScaledDiscStarSize : 1.0f;
float maxBlendDiscSize = maxDiscSize + 3.0f;
if (discSizeInPixels < maxBlendDiscSize || useHalos)
float fade = 1.0f;
if (discSizeInPixels > maxDiscSize)
fade = std::min(1.0f, (maxBlendDiscSize - discSizeInPixels) /
(maxBlendDiscSize - maxDiscSize));
float scale = static_cast<float>(screenDpi) / 96.0f;
float pointSize, alpha, glareSize, glareAlpha;
calculatePointSize(appMag, BaseStarDiscSize * scale, pointSize, alpha, glareSize, glareAlpha);
if (useScaledDiscs && discSizeInPixels > MaxScaledDiscStarSize)
glareAlpha = std::min(glareAlpha, (MaxScaledDiscStarSize - discSizeInPixels) / MaxScaledDiscStarSize + 1.0f);
alpha *= fade;
if (!emissive)
glareAlpha *= fade;
if (glareSize != 0.0f)
glareSize = std::max(glareSize, pointSize * discSizeInPixels / scale * 3.0f);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
if (starStyle != PointStars)
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
if (pointSize > gl::maxPointSize)
2022-01-30 02:43:11 -07:00
renderLargePoint(*this, position, {color, alpha}, pointSize, mvp);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
pointStarVertexBuffer->addStar(position, {color, alpha}, pointSize);
// If the object is brighter than magnitude 1, add a halo around it to
// make it appear more brilliant. This is a hack to compensate for the
// limited dynamic range of monitors.
// TODO: Stars look fine but planets look unrealistically bright
// with halos.
if (useHalos && glareAlpha > 0.0f)
2022-01-30 02:43:11 -07:00
Eigen::Vector3f center = calculateQuadCenter(m_cameraOrientation, position, radius);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
if (glareSize > gl::maxPointSize)
renderLargePoint(*this, center, {color, glareAlpha}, glareSize, mvp);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
2022-01-30 02:43:11 -07:00
glareVertexBuffer->addStar(center, {color, glareAlpha}, glareSize);
// Used to sort light sources in order of decreasing irradiance
struct LightIrradiancePredicate
int unused;
LightIrradiancePredicate() = default;
bool operator()(const DirectionalLight& l0,
const DirectionalLight& l1) const
return (l0.irradiance > l1.irradiance);
void Renderer::renderEllipsoidAtmosphere(const Atmosphere& atmosphere,
const Vector3f& center,
const Quaternionf& orientation,
const Vector3f& semiAxes,
const Vector3f& sunDirection,
const LightingState& ls,
float pixSize,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
bool lit,
const Matrices &m)
if (atmosphere.height == 0.0f)
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
ShaderProperties shadprop;
shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::VertexColors;
shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::UnlitModel;
auto *prog = shaderManager->getShader(shadprop);
if (prog == nullptr)
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
// Gradually fade in the atmosphere if it's thickness on screen is just
// over one pixel.
float fade = std::clamp(pixSize - 2, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Matrix3f rot = orientation.toRotationMatrix();
Matrix3f irot = orientation.conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
Vector3f eyePos = Vector3f::Zero();
float radius = semiAxes.maxCoeff();
Vector3f eyeVec = center - eyePos;
eyeVec = rot * eyeVec;
double centerDist = eyeVec.norm();
float height = atmosphere.height / radius;
Vector3f recipSemiAxes = semiAxes.cwiseInverse();
// ellipDist is not the true distance from the surface unless the
// planet is spherical. Computing the true distance requires finding
// the roots of a sixth degree polynomial, and isn't actually what we
// want anyhow since the atmosphere region is just the planet ellipsoid
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
// multiplied by a uniform scale factor. The value that we do compute
// is the distance to the surface along a line from the eye position to
// the center of the ellipsoid.
float ellipDist = (eyeVec.cwiseProduct(recipSemiAxes)).norm() - 1.0f;
bool within = ellipDist < height;
// Adjust the tesselation of the sky dome/ring based on distance from the
// planet surface.
int nSlices = MaxSkySlices;
if (ellipDist < 0.25f)
nSlices = MinSkySlices + max(0, (int) ((ellipDist / 0.25f) * (MaxSkySlices - MinSkySlices)));
nSlices &= ~1;
int nRings = min(1 + (int) pixSize / 5, 6);
int nHorizonRings = nRings;
if (within)
nRings += 12;
float horizonHeight = height;
if (within)
if (ellipDist <= 0.0f)
horizonHeight = 0.0f;
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
horizonHeight *= max((float) pow(ellipDist / height, 0.33f), 0.001f);
Vector3f e = -eyeVec;
Vector3f e_ = e.cwiseProduct(recipSemiAxes);
float ee = e_.dot(e_);
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
// Compute the cosine of the altitude of the sun. This is used to compute
// the degree of sunset/sunrise coloration.
float cosSunAltitude = 0.0f;
// Check for a sun either directly behind or in front of the viewer
float cosSunAngle = (float) (sunDirection.dot(e) / centerDist);
if (cosSunAngle < -1.0f + 1.0e-6f)
cosSunAltitude = 0.0f;
else if (cosSunAngle > 1.0f - 1.0e-6f)
cosSunAltitude = 0.0f;
Vector3f v = (rot * -sunDirection) * (float) centerDist;
Vector3f tangentPoint = center +
irot * ellipsoidTangent(recipSemiAxes,
e, e_, ee);
Vector3f tangentDir = (tangentPoint - eyePos).normalized();
cosSunAltitude = sunDirection.dot(tangentDir);
Vector3f normal = eyeVec;
normal = normal / (float) centerDist;
Vector3f uAxis, vAxis;
if (abs(normal.x()) < abs(normal.y()) && abs(normal.x()) < abs(normal.z()))
uAxis = Vector3f::UnitX().cross(normal);
else if (abs(eyeVec.y()) < abs(normal.z()))
uAxis = Vector3f::UnitY().cross(normal);
uAxis = Vector3f::UnitZ().cross(normal);
vAxis = uAxis.cross(normal);
// Compute the contour of the ellipsoid
for (int i = 0; i <= nSlices; i++)
// We want rays with an origin at the eye point and tangent to the the
// ellipsoid.
2021-12-31 06:04:47 -07:00
float theta = (float) i / (float) nSlices * 2 * celestia::numbers::pi_v<float>;
Vector3f w = (float) cos(theta) * uAxis + (float) sin(theta) * vAxis;
w = w * (float) centerDist;
Vector3f toCenter = ellipsoidTangent(recipSemiAxes, w, e, e_, ee);
skyContour[i].v = irot * toCenter;
skyContour[i].centerDist = skyContour[i].v.norm();
skyContour[i].eyeDir = skyContour[i].v + (center - eyePos);
skyContour[i].eyeDist = skyContour[i].eyeDir.norm();
float skyCapDist = (float) sqrt(square(skyContour[i].eyeDist) +
square(horizonHeight * radius));
skyContour[i].cosSkyCapAltitude = skyContour[i].eyeDist / skyCapDist;
Vector3f botColor = atmosphere.lowerColor.toVector3();
Vector3f topColor = atmosphere.upperColor.toVector3();
Vector3f sunsetColor = atmosphere.sunsetColor.toVector3();
if (within)
Vector3f skyColor = atmosphere.skyColor.toVector3();
if (ellipDist < 0.0f)
topColor = skyColor;
topColor = skyColor + (topColor - skyColor) * (ellipDist / height);
if (ls.nLights == 0 && lit)
botColor = topColor = sunsetColor = Vector3f::Zero();
Vector3f zenith = (skyContour[0].v + skyContour[nSlices / 2].v);
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
zenith *= skyContour[0].centerDist * (1.0f + horizonHeight * 2.0f);
float minOpacity = within ? (1.0f - ellipDist / height) * 0.75f : 0.0f;
float sunset = cosSunAltitude < 0.9f ? 0.0f : (cosSunAltitude - 0.9f) * 10.0f;
// Build the list of vertices
SkyVertex* vtx = skyVertices;
for (int i = 0; i <= nRings; i++)
float h = min(1.0f, (float) i / (float) nHorizonRings);
auto hh = (float) sqrt(h);
float u = i <= nHorizonRings ? 0.0f :
(float) (i - nHorizonRings) / (float) (nRings - nHorizonRings);
2019-05-16 15:51:11 -06:00
float r = lerp(h, 1.0f - (horizonHeight * 0.05f), 1.0f + horizonHeight);
float atten = 1.0f - hh;
for (int j = 0; j < nSlices; j++)
Vector3f v;
if (i <= nHorizonRings)
v = skyContour[j].v * r;
v = (skyContour[j].v * (1.0f - u) + zenith * u) * r;
Vector3f p = center + v;
Vector3f viewDir = p.normalized();
float cosSunAngle = viewDir.dot(sunDirection);
float cosAltitude = viewDir.dot(skyContour[j].eyeDir);
float brightness = 1.0f;
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
float coloration = 0.0f;
if (lit)
if (sunset > 0.0f && cosSunAngle > 0.7f && cosAltitude > 0.98f)
coloration = (1.0f / 0.30f) * (cosSunAngle - 0.70f);
coloration *= 50.0f * (cosAltitude - 0.98f);
coloration *= sunset;
cosSunAngle = skyContour[j].v.dot(sunDirection) / skyContour[j].centerDist;
if (cosSunAngle > -0.2f)
if (cosSunAngle < 0.3f)
brightness = (cosSunAngle + 0.2f) * 2.0f;
brightness = 1.0f;
brightness = 0.0f;
vtx->x = p.x();
vtx->y = p.y();
vtx->z = p.z();
atten = 1.0f - hh;
Vector3f color = (1.0f - hh) * botColor + hh * topColor;
brightness *= minOpacity + (1.0f - minOpacity) * fade * atten;
2003-05-30 02:28:07 -06:00
if (coloration != 0.0f)
color = (1.0f - coloration) * color + coloration * sunsetColor;
Color(brightness * color.x(),
brightness * color.y(),
brightness * color.z(),
fade * (minOpacity + (1.0f - minOpacity)) * atten).get(vtx->color);
// Create the index list
int index = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nRings; i++)
int baseVertex = i * nSlices;
for (int j = 0; j < nSlices; j++)
skyIndices[index++] = baseVertex + j;
skyIndices[index++] = baseVertex + nSlices + j;
skyIndices[index++] = baseVertex;
skyIndices[index++] = baseVertex + nSlices;
sizeof(SkyVertex), &skyVertices[0].x);
4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, sizeof(SkyVertex),
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
prog->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, *m.modelview);
for (int i = 0; i < nRings; i++)
2020-04-17 11:44:15 -06:00
(nSlices + 1) * 2,
&skyIndices[(nSlices + 1) * 2 * i]);
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
static void renderSphereUnlit(const RenderInfo& ri,
const Frustum& frustum,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
const Matrices &m,
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
const Renderer *r)
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
Texture* textures[MAX_SPHERE_MESH_TEXTURES];
int nTextures = 0;
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
ShaderProperties shadprop;
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
// Set up the textures used by this object
if (ri.baseTex != nullptr)
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
textures[nTextures++] = ri.baseTex;
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
if (ri.nightTex != nullptr)
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::NightTexture;
textures[nTextures++] = ri.nightTex;
if (ri.overlayTex != nullptr)
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::OverlayTexture;
textures[nTextures++] = ri.overlayTex;
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
// Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
auto* prog = r->getShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
if (prog == nullptr)
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
prog->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, *m.modelview);
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
prog->textureOffset = 0.0f;
prog->ambientColor = ri.color.toVector3();
2019-11-09 13:43:14 -07:00
prog->opacity = 1.0f;
g_lodSphere->render(frustum, ri.pixWidth, textures, nTextures);
2019-11-10 14:51:03 -07:00
static void renderCloudsUnlit(const RenderInfo& ri,
const Frustum& frustum,
Texture *cloudTex,
float cloudTexOffset,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
const Matrices &m,
2019-11-10 14:51:03 -07:00
const Renderer *r)
ShaderProperties shadprop;
shadprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::UnlitModel;
2019-11-10 14:51:03 -07:00
// Get a shader for the current rendering configuration
auto* prog = r->getShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
if (prog == nullptr)
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
prog->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, *m.modelview);
2019-11-10 14:51:03 -07:00
prog->textureOffset = cloudTexOffset;
g_lodSphere->render(frustum, ri.pixWidth, &cloudTex, 1);
Renderer::locationsToAnnotations(const Body& body,
const Vector3d& bodyPosition,
const Quaterniond& bodyOrientation)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
const vector<Location*>* locations = body.getLocations();
if (locations == nullptr)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
Vector3f semiAxes = body.getSemiAxes();
float nearDist = getNearPlaneDistance();
double boundingRadius = semiAxes.maxCoeff();
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
Vector3d bodyCenter = bodyPosition;
Vector3d viewRayOrigin = bodyOrientation * -bodyCenter;
double labelOffset = 0.0001;
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
Vector3f vn = getCameraOrientation().conjugate() * -Vector3f::UnitZ();
Vector3d viewNormal = vn.cast<double>();
Ellipsoidd bodyEllipsoid(semiAxes.cast<double>());
Matrix3d bodyMatrix = bodyOrientation.conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
for (const auto location : *locations)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
auto featureType = location->getFeatureType();
if ((featureType & locationFilter) != 0)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
// Get the position of the location with respect to the planet center
Vector3f ppos = location->getPosition();
// Compute the bodycentric position of the location
Vector3d locPos = ppos.cast<double>();
// Get the planetocentric position of the label. Add a slight scale factor
// to keep the point from being exactly on the surface.
Vector3d pcLabelPos = locPos * (1.0 + labelOffset);
// Get the camera space label position
Vector3d labelPos = bodyCenter + bodyMatrix * locPos;
float effSize = location->getImportance();
if (effSize < 0.0f)
effSize = location->getSize();
float pixSize = effSize / (float) (labelPos.norm() * pixelSize);
if (pixSize > minFeatureSize && labelPos.dot(viewNormal) > 0.0)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
// Labels on non-ellipsoidal bodies need special handling; the
// ellipsoid visibility test will always fail for them, since they
// will lie on the surface of the mesh, which is inside the
// the bounding ellipsoid. The following code projects location positions
// onto the bounding sphere.
if (!body.isEllipsoid())
double r = locPos.norm();
if (r < boundingRadius)
pcLabelPos = locPos * (boundingRadius * 1.01 / r);
double t = 0.0;
// Test for an intersection of the eye-to-location ray with
// the planet ellipsoid. If we hit the planet first, then
// the label is obscured by the planet. An exact calculation
// for irregular objects would be too expensive, and the
// ellipsoid approximation works reasonably well for them.
Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3> testRay(viewRayOrigin, pcLabelPos - viewRayOrigin);
bool hit = testIntersection(testRay, bodyEllipsoid, t);
if (!hit || t >= 1.0)
// Calculate the intersection of the eye-to-label ray with the plane perpendicular to
// the view normal that touches the front of the object's bounding sphere
double planetZ = viewNormal.dot(bodyCenter) - boundingRadius;
if (planetZ < -nearDist * 1.001)
planetZ = -nearDist * 1.001;
double z = viewNormal.dot(labelPos);
labelPos *= planetZ / z;
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
celestia::MarkerRepresentation* locationMarker = nullptr;
if (featureType & Location::City)
locationMarker = &cityRep;
else if (featureType & (Location::LandingSite | Location::Observatory))
locationMarker = &observatoryRep;
else if (featureType & (Location::Crater | Location::Patera))
locationMarker = &craterRep;
else if (featureType & (Location::Mons | Location::Tholus))
locationMarker = &mountainRep;
else if (featureType & (Location::EruptiveCenter))
locationMarker = &genericLocationRep;
Color labelColor = location->isLabelColorOverridden() ? location->getLabelColor() : LocationLabelColor;
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
// Estimate the fraction of light reflected from a sphere that
// reaches an object at the specified position relative to that
// sphere.
// This is function is just a rough approximation to the actual
// lighting integral, but it reproduces the important features
// of the way that phase and distance affect reflected light:
// - Higher phase angles mean less reflected light
// - The closer an object is to the reflector, the less
// area of the reflector that is visible.
// We approximate the reflected light by taking a weighted average
// of the reflected light at three points on the reflector: the
// light receiver's sub-point, and the two horizon points in the
// plane of the light vector and receiver-to-reflector vector.
// The reflecting object is assumed to be spherical and perfectly
// Lambertian.
static float
estimateReflectedLightFraction(const Vector3d& toSun,
const Vector3d& toObject,
float radius)
// Theta is half the arc length visible to the reflector
double d = toObject.norm();
auto cosTheta = (float) (radius / d);
if (cosTheta > 0.999f)
cosTheta = 0.999f;
// Phi is the angle between the light vector and receiver-to-reflector vector.
// cos(phi) is thus the illumination at the sub-point. The horizon points are
// at phi+theta and phi-theta.
float cosPhi = (float) (toSun.dot(toObject) / (d * toSun.norm()));
// Use a trigonometric identity to compute cos(phi +/- theta):
// cos(phi + theta) = cos(phi) * cos(theta) - sin(phi) * sin(theta)
// s = sin(phi) * sin(theta)
auto s = (float) sqrt((1.0f - cosPhi * cosPhi) * (1.0f - cosTheta * cosTheta));
float cosPhi1 = cosPhi * cosTheta - s; // cos(phi + theta)
float cosPhi2 = cosPhi * cosTheta + s; // cos(phi - theta)
// Calculate a weighted average of illumination at the three points
return (2.0f * max(cosPhi, 0.0f) + max(cosPhi1, 0.0f) + max(cosPhi2, 0.0f)) * 0.25f;
static void
setupObjectLighting(const vector<LightSource>& suns,
const vector<SecondaryIlluminator>& secondaryIlluminators,
const Quaternionf& objOrientation,
const Vector3f& objScale,
const Vector3f& objPosition_eye,
bool isNormalized,
LightingState& ls)
unsigned int nLights = min(MaxLights, (unsigned int) suns.size());
if (nLights == 0)
unsigned int i;
for (i = 0; i < nLights; i++)
Vector3d dir = suns[i].position - objPosition_eye.cast<double>();
ls.lights[i].direction_eye = dir.cast<float>();
float distance = ls.lights[i].direction_eye.norm();
ls.lights[i].direction_eye *= 1.0f / distance;
distance = astro::kilometersToAU((float) dir.norm());
ls.lights[i].irradiance = suns[i].luminosity / (distance * distance);
ls.lights[i].color = suns[i].color;
// Store the position and apparent size because we'll need them for
// testing for eclipses.
ls.lights[i].position = dir;
ls.lights[i].apparentSize = (float) (suns[i].radius / dir.norm());
ls.lights[i].castsShadows = true;
// Include effects of secondary illumination (i.e. planetshine)
if (!secondaryIlluminators.empty() && i < MaxLights - 1)
float maxIrr = 0.0f;
unsigned int maxIrrSource = 0, counter = 0;
Vector3d objpos = objPosition_eye.cast<double>();
// Only account for light from the brightest secondary source
for (auto& illuminator : secondaryIlluminators)
Vector3d toIllum = illuminator.position_v - objpos; // reflector-to-object vector
float distSquared = (float) toIllum.squaredNorm() / square(illuminator.radius);
if (distSquared > 0.01f)
// Irradiance falls off with distance^2
float irr = illuminator.reflectedIrradiance / distSquared;
// Phase effects will always leave the irradiance unaffected or reduce it;
// don't bother calculating them if we've already found a brighter secondary
// source.
if (irr > maxIrr)
// Account for the phase
Vector3d toSun = objpos - suns[0].position;
irr *= estimateReflectedLightFraction(toSun, toIllum, illuminator.radius);
if (irr > maxIrr)
maxIrr = irr;
maxIrrSource = counter;
clog << "maxIrr = " << maxIrr << ", "
<< secondaryIlluminators[maxIrrSource].body->getName() << ", "
<< secondaryIlluminators[maxIrrSource].reflectedIrradiance << endl;
if (maxIrr > 0.0f)
Vector3d toIllum = secondaryIlluminators[maxIrrSource].position_v - objpos;
ls.lights[i].direction_eye = toIllum.cast<float>();
ls.lights[i].irradiance = maxIrr;
ls.lights[i].color = secondaryIlluminators[maxIrrSource].body->getSurface().color;
ls.lights[i].apparentSize = 0.0f;
ls.lights[i].castsShadows = false;
// Sort light sources by brightness. Light zero should always be the
// brightest. Optimize common cases of one and two lights.
if (nLights == 2)
if (ls.lights[0].irradiance < ls.lights[1].irradiance)
swap(ls.lights[0], ls.lights[1]);
else if (nLights > 2)
sort(ls.lights, ls.lights + nLights, LightIrradiancePredicate());
// Compute the total irradiance
float totalIrradiance = 0.0f;
for (i = 0; i < nLights; i++)
totalIrradiance += ls.lights[i].irradiance;
// Compute a gamma factor to make dim light sources visible. This is
// intended to approximate what we see with our eyes--for example,
// Earth-shine is visible on the night side of the Moon, even though
// the amount of reflected light from the Earth is 1/10000 of what
// the Moon receives directly from the Sun.
// TODO: Skip this step when high dynamic range rendering to floating point
// buffers is enabled.
float minVisibleFraction = 1.0f / 10000.0f;
float minDisplayableValue = 1.0f / 255.0f;
auto gamma = (float) (log(minDisplayableValue) / log(minVisibleFraction));
float minVisibleIrradiance = minVisibleFraction * totalIrradiance;
Matrix3f m = objOrientation.toRotationMatrix();
// Gamma scale and normalize the light sources; cull light sources that
// aren't bright enough to contribute the final pixels rendered into the
// frame buffer.
ls.nLights = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nLights && ls.lights[i].irradiance > minVisibleIrradiance; i++)
ls.lights[i].irradiance =
(float) pow(ls.lights[i].irradiance / totalIrradiance, gamma);
// Compute the direction of the light in object space
ls.lights[i].direction_obj = m * ls.lights[i].direction_eye;
Matrix3f invScale = objScale.cwiseInverse().asDiagonal();
ls.eyePos_obj = invScale * m * -objPosition_eye;
ls.eyeDir_obj = (m * -objPosition_eye).normalized();
// When the camera is very far from the object, some view-dependent
// calculations in the shaders can exhibit precision problems. This
// occurs with atmospheres, where the scale height of the atmosphere
// is very small relative to the planet radius. To address the problem,
// we'll clamp the eye distance to some maximum value. The effect of the
// adjustment should be impercetible, since at large distances rays from
// the camera to object vertices are all nearly parallel to each other.
float eyeFromCenterDistance = ls.eyePos_obj.norm();
if (eyeFromCenterDistance > 100.0f && isNormalized)
ls.eyePos_obj *= 100.0f / eyeFromCenterDistance;
ls.ambientColor = Vector3f::Zero();
void Renderer::renderObject(const Vector3f& pos,
float distance,
double now,
float nearPlaneDistance,
float farPlaneDistance,
RenderProperties& obj,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
const LightingState& ls,
const Matrices &m)
RenderInfo ri;
float altitude = distance - obj.radius;
float discSizeInPixels = obj.radius / (max(nearPlaneDistance, altitude) * pixelSize);
ri.sunDir_eye = Vector3f::UnitY();
ri.sunDir_obj = Vector3f::UnitY();
ri.sunColor = Color(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
if (ls.nLights > 0)
ri.sunDir_eye = ls.lights[0].direction_eye;
ri.sunDir_obj = ls.lights[0].direction_obj;
ri.sunColor = ls.lights[0].color;// * ls.lights[0].intensity;
// Enable depth buffering
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// Get the object's geometry; nullptr indicates that object is an
// ellipsoid.
Geometry* geometry = nullptr;
if (obj.geometry != InvalidResource)
// This is a model loaded from a file
geometry = GetGeometryManager()->find(obj.geometry);
// Get the textures . . .
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
if (obj.surface->baseTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
ri.baseTex = obj.surface->baseTexture.find(textureResolution);
if ((obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::ApplyBumpMap) != 0 &&
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
obj.surface->bumpTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
ri.bumpTex = obj.surface->bumpTexture.find(textureResolution);
if ((obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::ApplyNightMap) != 0 &&
(renderFlags & ShowNightMaps) != 0)
2002-02-13 13:38:49 -07:00
ri.nightTex = obj.surface->nightTexture.find(textureResolution);
if ((obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::SeparateSpecularMap) != 0)
ri.glossTex = obj.surface->specularTexture.find(textureResolution);
if ((obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::ApplyOverlay) != 0)
ri.overlayTex = obj.surface->overlayTexture.find(textureResolution);
// Scaling will be nonuniform for nonspherical planets. As long as the
// deviation from spherical isn't too large, the nonuniform scale factor
// shouldn't mess up the lighting calculations enough to be noticeable
// (and we turn on renormalization anyhow, which most graphics cards
// support.)
float radius = obj.radius;
Vector3f scaleFactors;
float ringsScaleFactor;
float geometryScale;
if (geometry == nullptr || geometry->isNormalized())
geometryScale = obj.radius;
scaleFactors = obj.radius * obj.semiAxes;
ringsScaleFactor = obj.radius * obj.semiAxes.maxCoeff();
ri.pointScale = 2.0f * obj.radius / pixelSize;
geometryScale = obj.geometryScale;
scaleFactors = Vector3f::Constant(geometryScale);
ringsScaleFactor = geometryScale;
ri.pointScale = 2.0f * geometryScale / pixelSize;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
// Apply the modelview transform for the object
Affine3f transform = Translation3f(pos) * obj.orientation.conjugate();
Matrix4f planetMV = (*m.modelview) * (transform * Scaling(scaleFactors)).matrix();
Matrices planetMVP = { m.projection, &planetMV };
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrices ringsMVP;
Matrix4f ringsMV;
bool showRings = obj.rings != nullptr && (renderFlags & ShowPlanetRings) != 0;
if (showRings)
ringsMV = (*m.modelview) * (transform * Scaling(ringsScaleFactor)).matrix();
ringsMVP = { m.projection, &ringsMV };
Matrix3f planetRotation = obj.orientation.toRotationMatrix();
ri.eyeDir_obj = -(planetRotation * pos).normalized();
ri.eyePos_obj = -(planetRotation * (pos.cwiseQuotient(scaleFactors)));
ri.orientation = getCameraOrientation() * obj.orientation.conjugate();
ri.pixWidth = discSizeInPixels;
// Set up the colors
if (ri.baseTex == nullptr ||
(obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::BlendTexture) != 0)
ri.color = obj.surface->color;
ri.ambientColor = ambientColor;
ri.specularColor = obj.surface->specularColor;
ri.specularPower = obj.surface->specularPower;
ri.lunarLambert = obj.surface->lunarLambert;
// See if the surface should be lit
bool lit = (obj.surface->appearanceFlags & Surface::Emissive) == 0;
// Compute the inverse model/view matrix
Affine3f invModelView = obj.orientation *
Translation3f(-pos / obj.radius) *
2018-07-31 14:41:26 -06:00
Matrix4f invMV = invModelView.matrix();
// The sphere rendering code uses the view frustum to determine which
// patches are visible. In order to avoid rendering patches that can't
// be seen, make the far plane of the frustum as close to the viewer
// as possible.
float frustumFarPlane = farPlaneDistance;
if (obj.geometry == InvalidResource)
// Only adjust the far plane for ellipsoidal objects
float d = pos.norm();
// Account for non-spherical objects
float eradius = scaleFactors.minCoeff();
if (d > eradius)
// Include a fudge factor to eliminate overaggressive clipping
// due to limited floating point precision
frustumFarPlane = (float) sqrt(square(d) - square(eradius)) * 1.1f;
// We're inside the bounding sphere; leave the far plane alone
if (obj.atmosphere != nullptr)
2006-11-28 18:29:03 -07:00
float atmosphereHeight = max(obj.atmosphere->cloudHeight,
obj.atmosphere->mieScaleHeight * -log(AtmosphereExtinctionThreshold));
if (atmosphereHeight > 0.0f)
2006-11-28 18:29:03 -07:00
// If there's an atmosphere, we need to move the far plane
// out so that the clouds and atmosphere shell aren't clipped.
float atmosphereRadius = eradius + atmosphereHeight;
frustumFarPlane += (float) sqrt(square(atmosphereRadius) -
// Transform the frustum into object coordinates using the
// inverse model/view matrix. The frustum is scaled to a
// normalized coordinate system where the 1 unit = 1 planet
// radius (for an ellipsoidal planet, radius is taken to be
// largest semiaxis.)
Frustum viewFrustum(degToRad(fov),
2019-11-20 10:35:16 -07:00
nearPlaneDistance / radius, frustumFarPlane / radius);
// Get cloud layer parameters
Texture* cloudTex = nullptr;
Texture* cloudNormalMap = nullptr;
float cloudTexOffset = 0.0f;
2019-11-10 15:13:39 -07:00
// Ugly cast required because MultiResTexture::find() is non-const
Atmosphere* atmosphere = const_cast<Atmosphere*>(obj.atmosphere);
if (atmosphere != nullptr)
if ((renderFlags & ShowCloudMaps) != 0)
if (atmosphere->cloudTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
cloudTex = atmosphere->cloudTexture.find(textureResolution);
if (atmosphere->cloudNormalMap.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
cloudNormalMap = atmosphere->cloudNormalMap.find(textureResolution);
if (atmosphere->cloudSpeed != 0.0f)
2021-12-31 06:04:47 -07:00
cloudTexOffset = (float) (-pfmod(now * atmosphere->cloudSpeed / (2 * celestia::numbers::pi), 1.0));
if (obj.geometry == InvalidResource)
// A null model indicates that this body is a sphere
if (lit)
renderEllipsoid_GLSL(ri, ls,
2019-11-10 15:13:39 -07:00
atmosphere, cloudTexOffset,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
planetMVP, this);
renderSphereUnlit(ri, viewFrustum, planetMVP, this);
if (geometry != nullptr)
ResourceHandle texOverride = obj.surface->baseTexture.tex[textureResolution];
if (lit)
astro::daysToSecs(now - astro::J2000),
planetMVP, this);
astro::daysToSecs(now - astro::J2000),
planetMVP, this);
2019-10-31 12:22:44 -06:00
float segmentSizeInPixels = 0.0f;
if (showRings)
2019-10-31 12:22:44 -06:00
// calculate ring segment size in pixels, actual size is segmentSizeInPixels * tan(segmentAngle)
segmentSizeInPixels = 2.0f * obj.rings->outerRadius / (max(nearPlaneDistance, altitude) * pixelSize);
if (distance <= obj.rings->innerRadius)
renderRings_GLSL(*obj.rings, ri, ls,
radius, 1.0f - obj.semiAxes.y(),
(renderFlags & ShowRingShadows) != 0 && lit,
ringsMVP, this);
2019-10-31 12:22:44 -06:00
2019-11-10 15:13:39 -07:00
if (atmosphere != nullptr)
// Compute the apparent thickness in pixels of the atmosphere.
// If it's only one pixel thick, it can look quite unsightly
// due to aliasing. To avoid popping, we gradually fade in the
// atmosphere as it grows from two to three pixels thick.
float fade;
float thicknessInPixels = 0.0f;
if (distance - radius > 0.0f)
thicknessInPixels = atmosphere->height /
((distance - radius) * pixelSize);
fade = std::clamp(thicknessInPixels - 2, 0.0f, 1.0f);
fade = 1.0f;
if (fade > 0 && (renderFlags & ShowAtmospheres) != 0)
// Only use new atmosphere code in OpenGL 2.0 path when new style parameters are defined.
// TODO: convert old style atmopshere parameters
if (atmosphere->mieScaleHeight > 0.0f)
float atmScale = 1.0f + atmosphere->height / radius;
renderAtmosphere_GLSL(ri, ls,
radius * atmScale,
2009-08-05 18:41:24 -06:00
planetMVP, this);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrix4f mv = vecgl::rotate(getCameraOrientation());
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_ONE, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA);
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
{ m.projection, &mv });
// If there's a cloud layer, we'll render it now.
if (cloudTex != nullptr)
float cloudScale = 1.0f + atmosphere->cloudHeight / radius;
Matrix4f cmv = vecgl::scale(planetMV, cloudScale);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrices mvp = { m.projection, &cmv };
// If we're beneath the cloud level, render the interior of
// the cloud sphere.
if (distance - radius < atmosphere->cloudHeight)
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// Cloud layers can be trouble for the depth buffer, since they tend
// to be very close to the surface of a planet relative to the radius
// of the planet. We'll help out by offsetting the cloud layer toward
// the viewer.
if (distance > radius * 1.1f)
glPolygonOffset(-1.0f, -1.0f);
if (lit)
renderClouds_GLSL(ri, ls,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
mvp, this);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderCloudsUnlit(ri,viewFrustum, cloudTex, cloudTexOffset, mvp, this);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
if (showRings)
2019-11-10 15:13:39 -07:00
if (lit && (renderFlags & ShowRingShadows) != 0)
Texture* ringsTex = obj.rings->texture.find(textureResolution);
if (ringsTex != nullptr)
if (distance > obj.rings->innerRadius)
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
renderRings_GLSL(*obj.rings, ri, ls,
radius, 1.0f - obj.semiAxes.y(),
(renderFlags & ShowRingShadows) != 0 && lit,
2019-10-31 12:22:44 -06:00
ringsMVP, this);
2020-09-29 01:23:40 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
bool Renderer::testEclipse(const Body& receiver,
const Body& caster,
LightingState& lightingState,
unsigned int lightIndex,
double now)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
const DirectionalLight& light = lightingState.lights[lightIndex];
LightingState::EclipseShadowVector& shadows = *lightingState.shadows[lightIndex];
bool isReceiverShadowed = false;
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
// Ignore situations where the shadow casting body is much smaller than
// the receiver, as these shadows aren't likely to be relevant. Also,
// ignore eclipses where the caster is not an ellipsoid, since we can't
// generate correct shadows in this case.
if (caster.getRadius() >= receiver.getRadius() * MinRelativeOccluderRadius &&
caster.hasVisibleGeometry() &&
caster.extant(now) &&
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
// All of the eclipse related code assumes that both the caster
// and receiver are spherical. Irregular receivers will work more
// or less correctly, but casters that are sufficiently non-spherical
// will produce obviously incorrect shadows. Another assumption we
// make is that the distance between the caster and receiver is much
// less than the distance between the sun and the receiver. This
// approximation works everywhere in the solar system, and is likely
// valid for any orbitally stable pair of objects orbiting a star.
Vector3d posReceiver = receiver.getAstrocentricPosition(now);
Vector3d posCaster = caster.getAstrocentricPosition(now);
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
//const Star* sun = receiver.getSystem()->getStar();
//assert(sun != nullptr);
//double distToSun = posReceiver.distanceFromOrigin();
//float appSunRadius = (float) (sun->getRadius() / distToSun);
float appSunRadius = light.apparentSize;
Vector3d dir = posCaster - posReceiver;
double distToCaster = dir.norm() - receiver.getRadius();
float appOccluderRadius = (float) (caster.getRadius() / distToCaster);
// The shadow radius is the radius of the occluder plus some additional
// amount that depends upon the apparent radius of the sun. For
// a sun that's distant/small and effectively a point, the shadow
// radius will be the same as the radius of the occluder.
float shadowRadius = (1 + appSunRadius / appOccluderRadius) *
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
// Test whether a shadow is cast on the receiver. We want to know
// if the receiver lies within the shadow volume of the caster. Since
// we're assuming that everything is a sphere and the sun is far
// away relative to the caster, the shadow volume is a
// cylinder capped at one end. Testing for the intersection of a
// singly capped cylinder is as simple as checking the distance
// from the center of the receiver to the axis of the shadow cylinder.
// If the distance is less than the sum of the caster's and receiver's
// radii, then we have an eclipse. We also need to verify that the
// receiver is behind the caster when seen from the light source.
float R = receiver.getRadius() + shadowRadius;
// The stored light position is receiver-relative; thus the caster-to-light
// direction is casterPos - (receiverPos + lightPos)
Vector3d lightPosition = posReceiver + light.position;
Vector3d lightToCasterDir = posCaster - lightPosition;
Vector3d receiverToCasterDir = posReceiver - posCaster;
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
double dist = distance(posReceiver,
Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3>(posCaster, lightToCasterDir));
if (dist < R && lightToCasterDir.dot(receiverToCasterDir) > 0.0)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
Vector3d sunDir = lightToCasterDir.normalized();
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
EclipseShadow shadow;
shadow.origin = dir.cast<float>();
shadow.direction = sunDir.cast<float>();
shadow.penumbraRadius = shadowRadius;
// The umbra radius will be positive if the apparent size of the occluder
// is greater than the apparent size of the sun, zero if they're equal,
// and negative when the eclipse is partial. The absolute value of the
// umbra radius is the radius of the shadow region with constant depth:
// for total eclipses, this area is actually the umbra, with a depth of
// 1. For annular eclipses and transits, it is less than 1.
shadow.umbraRadius = caster.getRadius() *
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
(appOccluderRadius - appSunRadius) / appOccluderRadius;
shadow.maxDepth = std::min(1.0f, square(appOccluderRadius / appSunRadius));
shadow.caster = &caster;
// Ignore transits that don't produce a visible shadow.
if (shadow.maxDepth > 1.0f / 256.0f)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
isReceiverShadowed = true;
// If the caster has a ring system, see if it casts a shadow on the receiver.
// Ring shadows are only supported in the OpenGL 2.0 path.
if (caster.getRings())
bool shadowed = false;
// The shadow volume of the rings is an oblique circular cylinder
if (dist < caster.getRings()->outerRadius + receiver.getRadius())
// Possible intersection, but it depends on the orientation of the
// rings.
Quaterniond casterOrientation = caster.getOrientation(now);
Vector3d ringPlaneNormal = casterOrientation * Vector3d::UnitY();
Vector3d shadowDirection = lightToCasterDir.normalized();
Vector3d v = ringPlaneNormal.cross(shadowDirection);
if (v.squaredNorm() < 1.0e-6)
// Shadow direction is nearly coincident with ring plane normal, so
// the shadow cross section is close to circular. No additional test
// is required.
shadowed = true;
// minDistance is the cross section of the ring shadows in the plane
// perpendicular to the ring plane and containing the light direction.
Vector3d shadowPlaneNormal = v.normalized().cross(shadowDirection);
Hyperplane<double, 3> shadowPlane(shadowPlaneNormal, posCaster - posReceiver);
double minDistance = receiver.getRadius() +
caster.getRings()->outerRadius * ringPlaneNormal.dot(shadowDirection);
if (abs(shadowPlane.signedDistance(Vector3d::Zero())) < minDistance)
// TODO: Implement this test and only set shadowed to true if it passes
shadowed = true;
if (shadowed)
RingShadow& shadow = lightingState.ringShadows[lightIndex];
shadow.origin = dir.cast<float>();
shadow.direction = shadowDirection.cast<float>();
shadow.ringSystem = caster.getRings();
shadow.casterOrientation = casterOrientation.cast<float>();
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
return isReceiverShadowed;
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
void Renderer::renderPlanet(Body& body,
const Vector3f& pos,
float distance,
float appMag,
const Observer& observer,
float nearPlaneDistance,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float farPlaneDistance,
const Matrices &m)
double now = observer.getTime();
float altitude = distance - body.getRadius();
float discSizeInPixels = body.getRadius() /
(max(nearPlaneDistance, altitude) * pixelSize);
float maxDiscSize = (starStyle == ScaledDiscStars) ? MaxScaledDiscStarSize : 1.0f;
if (discSizeInPixels >= maxDiscSize && body.hasVisibleGeometry())
RenderProperties rp;
if (displayedSurface.empty())
rp.surface = const_cast<Surface*>(&body.getSurface());
rp.surface = body.getAlternateSurface(displayedSurface);
if (rp.surface == nullptr)
rp.surface = const_cast<Surface*>(&body.getSurface());
rp.atmosphere = body.getAtmosphere();
rp.rings = body.getRings();
rp.radius = body.getRadius();
rp.geometry = body.getGeometry();
rp.semiAxes = body.getSemiAxes() * (1.0f / rp.radius);
rp.geometryScale = body.getGeometryScale();
2009-07-23 15:09:12 -06:00
Quaterniond q = body.getRotationModel(now)->spin(now) *
rp.orientation = body.getGeometryOrientation() * q.cast<float>();
if (body.getLocations() != nullptr && (labelMode & LocationLabels) != 0)
2003-06-17 11:40:49 -06:00
Vector3f scaleFactors;
bool isNormalized = false;
Geometry* geometry = nullptr;
if (rp.geometry != InvalidResource)
geometry = GetGeometryManager()->find(rp.geometry);
if (geometry == nullptr || geometry->isNormalized())
scaleFactors = rp.semiAxes * rp.radius;
isNormalized = true;
scaleFactors = Vector3f::Constant(rp.geometryScale);
LightingState lights;
assert(lights.nLights <= MaxLights);
lights.ambientColor = ambientColor;
// Clear out the list of eclipse shadows
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lights.nLights; li++)
lights.shadows[li] = &eclipseShadows[li];
// Add ring shadow records for each light
if (body.getRings() != nullptr &&
(renderFlags & ShowPlanetRings) != 0 &&
(renderFlags & ShowRingShadows) != 0)
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lights.nLights; li++)
lights.ringShadows[li].ringSystem = body.getRings();
lights.ringShadows[li].casterOrientation = q.cast<float>();
lights.ringShadows[li].origin = Vector3f::Zero();
lights.ringShadows[li].direction = -lights.lights[li].position.normalized().cast<float>();
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
// Calculate eclipse circumstances
if ((renderFlags & ShowEclipseShadows) != 0 &&
body.getSystem() != nullptr)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
PlanetarySystem* system = body.getSystem();
if (system->getPrimaryBody() == nullptr)
// The body is a planet. Check for eclipse shadows
// from all of its satellites.
PlanetarySystem* satellites = body.getSatellites();
if (satellites != nullptr)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
int nSatellites = satellites->getSystemSize();
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lights.nLights; li++)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
if (lights.lights[li].castsShadows)
for (int i = 0; i < nSatellites; i++)
testEclipse(body, *satellites->getBody(i), lights, li, now);
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lights.nLights; li++)
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
if (lights.lights[li].castsShadows)
// The body is a moon. Check for eclipse shadows from
// the parent planet and all satellites in the system.
// Traverse up the hierarchy so that any parent objects
// of the parent are also considered (TODO: their child
// objects will not be checked for shadows.)
Body* planet = system->getPrimaryBody();
while (planet != nullptr)
testEclipse(body, *planet, lights, li, now);
if (planet->getSystem() != nullptr)
planet = planet->getSystem()->getPrimaryBody();
planet = nullptr;
int nSatellites = system->getSystemSize();
for (int i = 0; i < nSatellites; i++)
if (system->getBody(i) != &body)
testEclipse(body, *system->getBody(i), lights, li, now);
2002-02-17 21:00:07 -07:00
// Sort out the ring shadows; only one ring shadow source is supported right now. This means
// that exotic cases with shadows from two ring different ring systems aren't handled.
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lights.nLights; li++)
RingSystem* rings = lights.ringShadows[li].ringSystem;
if (rings != nullptr)
// Use the first set of ring shadows found (shadowing the brightest light
// source.)
if (lights.shadowingRingSystem == nullptr)
lights.shadowingRingSystem = rings;
lights.ringPlaneNormal = (rp.orientation * lights.ringShadows[li].casterOrientation.conjugate()) * Vector3f::UnitY();
lights.ringCenter = rp.orientation * lights.ringShadows[li].origin;
// Light sources have a finite size, which causes some blurring of the texture. Simulate
// this effect by using a lower LOD (i.e. a smaller mipmap level, indicated somewhat
// confusingly by a _higher_ LOD value.
float ringWidth = rings->outerRadius - rings->innerRadius;
float projectedRingSize = std::abs(lights.lights[li].direction_obj.dot(lights.ringPlaneNormal)) * ringWidth;
float projectedRingSizeInPixels = projectedRingSize / (max(nearPlaneDistance, altitude) * pixelSize);
Texture* ringsTex = rings->texture.find(textureResolution);
if (ringsTex != nullptr)
// Calculate the approximate distance from the shadowed object to the rings
Hyperplane<float, 3> ringPlane(lights.ringPlaneNormal, lights.ringCenter);
float cosLightAngle = lights.lights[li].direction_obj.dot(ringPlane.normal());
float approxRingDistance = rings->innerRadius;
if (abs(cosLightAngle) < 0.99999f)
approxRingDistance = abs(ringPlane.offset() / cosLightAngle);
if (lights.ringCenter.norm() < rings->innerRadius)
approxRingDistance = max(approxRingDistance, rings->innerRadius - lights.ringCenter.norm());
// Calculate the LOD based on the size of the smallest
// ring feature relative to the apparent size of the light source.
float ringTextureWidth = ringsTex->getWidth();
float ringFeatureSize = (projectedRingSize / ringTextureWidth) / approxRingDistance;
float relativeFeatureSize = lights.lights[li].apparentSize / ringFeatureSize;
//float areaLightLod = log(max(relativeFeatureSize, 1.0f)) / log(2.0f);
float areaLightLod = log2(max(relativeFeatureSize, 1.0f));
// Compute the LOD that would be automatically used by the GPU.
float texelToPixelRatio = ringTextureWidth / projectedRingSizeInPixels;
float gpuLod = log2(texelToPixelRatio);
//float lod = max(areaLightLod, log(texelToPixelRatio) / log(2.0f));
float lod = max(areaLightLod, gpuLod);
// maxLOD is the index of the smallest mipmap (or close to it for non-power-of-two
// textures.) We can't make the lod larger than this.
float maxLod = log2((float) ringsTex->getWidth());
if (maxLod > 1.0f)
// Avoid using the 1x1 mipmap, as it appears to cause 'bleeding' when
// the light source is very close to the ring plane. This is probably
// a numerical precision issue from calculating the intersection of
// between a ray and plane that are nearly parallel.
maxLod -= 1.0f;
lod = min(lod, maxLod);
// Not all hardware/drivers support GLSL's textureXDLOD instruction, which lets
// us explicitly set the LOD. But, they do all have an optional lodBias parameter
// for the textureXD instruction. The bias is just the difference between the
// area light LOD and the approximate GPU calculated LOD.
if (!gl::ARB_shader_texture_lod)
lod = max(0.0f, lod - gpuLod);
lights.ringShadows[li].texLod = lod;
lights.ringShadows[li].texLod = 0.0f;
renderObject(pos, distance, now,
nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
rp, lights, m);
if (body.getLocations() != nullptr && (labelMode & LocationLabels) != 0)
// Set up location markers for this body
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
using namespace celestia;
mountainRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Triangle, 8.0f, LocationLabelColor);
craterRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Circle, 8.0f, LocationLabelColor);
observatoryRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Plus, 8.0f, LocationLabelColor);
cityRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::X, 3.0f, LocationLabelColor);
genericLocationRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Square, 8.0f, LocationLabelColor);
// We need a double precision body-relative position of the
// observer, otherwise location labels will tend to jitter.
Vector3d posd = body.getPosition(observer.getTime()).offsetFromKm(observer.getPosition());
locationsToAnnotations(body, posd, q);
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
if (body.isVisibleAsPoint())
2018-09-30 12:40:56 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
false, false, m);
void Renderer::renderStar(const Star& star,
const Vector3f& pos,
float distance,
float appMag,
double now,
float nearPlaneDistance,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float farPlaneDistance,
const Matrices &m)
if (!star.getVisibility())
Color color = colorTemp->lookupColor(star.getTemperature());
float radius = star.getRadius();
float discSizeInPixels = radius / (distance * pixelSize);
if (discSizeInPixels > 1)
Surface surface;
RenderProperties rp;
surface.color = color;
MultiResTexture mtex = star.getTexture();
if (mtex.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
surface.baseTexture = mtex;
surface.baseTexture = InvalidResource;
surface.appearanceFlags |= Surface::ApplyBaseTexture;
surface.appearanceFlags |= Surface::Emissive;
rp.surface = &surface;
rp.rings = nullptr;
rp.radius = star.getRadius();
rp.semiAxes = star.getEllipsoidSemiAxes();
rp.geometry = star.getGeometry();
Atmosphere atmosphere;
2007-12-06 16:51:44 -07:00
// Use atmosphere effect to give stars a fuzzy fringe
if (star.hasCorona() && rp.geometry == InvalidResource)
Color atmColor(color.red() * 0.5f, color.green() * 0.5f, color.blue() * 0.5f);
atmosphere.height = radius * CoronaHeight;
atmosphere.lowerColor = atmColor;
atmosphere.upperColor = atmColor;
atmosphere.skyColor = atmColor;
rp.atmosphere = &atmosphere;
rp.atmosphere = nullptr;
2009-07-23 15:09:12 -06:00
rp.orientation = star.getRotationModel()->orientationAtTime(now).cast<float>();
renderObject(pos, distance, now,
nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
rp, LightingState(), m);
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
2018-09-30 12:40:56 -06:00
star.hasCorona(), true,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
static const int MaxCometTailPoints = 120;
static const int CometTailSlices = 48;
struct CometTailVertex
Vector3f point;
Vector3f normal;
float brightness;
static CometTailVertex cometTailVertices[CometTailSlices * MaxCometTailPoints];
2006-11-08 10:55:08 -07:00
// Compute a rough estimate of the visible length of the dust tail.
// TODO: This is old code that needs to be rewritten. For one thing,
// the length is inversely proportional to the distance from the sun,
// whereas the 1/distance^2 is probably more realistic. There should
// also be another parameter that specifies how active the comet is.
static float cometDustTailLength(float distanceToSun,
float radius)
return (1.0e8f / distanceToSun) * (radius / 5.0f) * 1.0e7f;
void Renderer::renderCometTail(const Body& body,
const Vector3f& pos,
const Observer& observer,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float discSizeInPixels,
const Matrices &m)
auto prog = shaderManager->getShader("comet");
if (prog == nullptr)
double now = observer.getTime();
Vector3f cometPoints[MaxCometTailPoints];
Vector3d pos0 = body.getOrbit(now)->positionAtTime(now);
#if 0
Vector3d pos1 = body.getOrbit(now)->positionAtTime(now - 0.01);
Vector3d vd = pos1 - pos0;
double t = now;
float distanceFromSun, irradiance_max = 0.0f;
// Adjust the amount of triangles used for the comet tail based on
// the screen size of the comet.
float lod = min(1.0f, max(0.2f, discSizeInPixels / 1000.0f));
auto nTailPoints = (int) (MaxCometTailPoints * lod);
auto nTailSlices = (int) (CometTailSlices * lod);
// Find the sun with the largest irrradiance of light onto the comet
// as function of the comet's position;
// irradiance = sun's luminosity / square(distanceFromSun);
Vector3d sunPos(Vector3d::Zero());
for (const auto star : nearStars)
if (star->getVisibility())
Vector3d p = star->getPosition(t).offsetFromKm(observer.getPosition());
distanceFromSun = (float) (pos.cast<double>() - p).norm();
float irradiance = star->getBolometricLuminosity() / square(distanceFromSun);
if (irradiance > irradiance_max)
irradiance_max = irradiance;
sunPos = p;
float fadeDistance = 1.0f / (float) (COMET_TAIL_ATTEN_DIST_SOL * sqrt(irradiance_max));
// direction to sun with dominant light irradiance:
Vector3f sunDir = (pos.cast<double>() - sunPos).cast<float>().normalized();
float dustTailLength = cometDustTailLength((float) pos0.norm(), body.getRadius());
float dustTailRadius = dustTailLength * 0.1f;
Vector3f origin = -sunDir * (body.getRadius() * 100);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < nTailPoints; i++)
float alpha = (float) i / (float) nTailPoints;
alpha = alpha * alpha;
cometPoints[i] = origin + sunDir * (dustTailLength * alpha);
// We need three axes to define the coordinate system for rendering the
// comet. The first axis is the sun-to-comet direction, and the other
// two are chose orthogonal to each other and the primary axis.
Vector3f v = (cometPoints[1] - cometPoints[0]).normalized();
Quaternionf q = body.getEclipticToEquatorial(t).cast<float>();
Vector3f u = v.unitOrthogonal();
Vector3f w = u.cross(v);
for (i = 0; i < nTailPoints; i++)
float brightness = 1.0f - (float) i / (float) (nTailPoints - 1);
Vector3f v0, v1;
float sectionLength;
float w0, w1;
// Special case the first vertex in the comet tail
if (i == 0)
v0 = cometPoints[1] - cometPoints[0];
sectionLength = v0.norm();
v1 = v0;
w0 = 1.0f;
w1 = 0.0f;
v0 = cometPoints[i] - cometPoints[i - 1];
sectionLength = v0.norm();
if (i == nTailPoints - 1)
v1 = v0;
v1 = (cometPoints[i + 1] - cometPoints[i]).normalized();
q.setFromTwoVectors(v0, v1);
Matrix3f m = q.toRotationMatrix();
u = m * u;
v = m * v;
w = m * w;
float dr = (dustTailRadius / (float) nTailPoints) / sectionLength;
w0 = atan(dr);
float d = sqrt(1.0f + w0 * w0);
w1 = 1.0f / d;
w0 = w0 / d;
float radius = (float) i / (float) nTailPoints * dustTailRadius;
for (int j = 0; j < nTailSlices; j++)
2021-12-31 06:04:47 -07:00
float theta = (float) (2 * celestia::numbers::pi * (float) j / nTailSlices);
float s, c;
sincos(theta, s, c);
CometTailVertex& vtx = cometTailVertices[i * nTailSlices + j];
vtx.normal = u * (s * w1) + w * (c * w1) + v * w0;
s *= radius;
c *= radius;
vtx.point = cometPoints[i] + u * s + w * c;
vtx.brightness = brightness;
2020-07-11 03:42:04 -06:00
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
prog->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, (*m.modelview) * vecgl::translate(pos));
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
auto brightness = prog->attribIndex("brightness");
if (brightness != -1)
prog->vec3Param("color") = body.getCometTailColor().toVector3();
prog->vec3Param("viewDir") = pos.normalized();
// If fadeDistFromSun = x/x0 >= 1.0, comet tail starts fading,
// i.e. fadeFactor quickly transits from 1 to 0.
float fadeFactor = 0.5f * (1.0f - tanh(fadeDistance - 1.0f / fadeDistance));
prog->floatParam("fadeFactor") = fadeFactor;
2019-11-23 02:56:01 -07:00
vector<unsigned short> indices;
indices.reserve(nTailSlices * 2 + 2);
for (int j = 0; j < nTailSlices; j++)
2019-11-23 02:56:01 -07:00
indices.push_back(j + nTailSlices);
2019-11-23 02:56:01 -07:00
const size_t stride = sizeof(CometTailVertex);
for (i = 0; i < nTailPoints - 1; i++)
const auto p = &cometTailVertices[i * nTailSlices];
3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &p->point);
3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &p->normal);
if (brightness != -1)
glVertexAttribPointer(brightness, 1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, stride, &p->brightness);
2019-11-23 02:56:01 -07:00
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, indices.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices.data());
if (brightness != -1)
glColor4f(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);
glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, cometPoints);
glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_STRIP, 0, nTailPoints);
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
2020-07-11 03:42:04 -06:00
// Render a reference mark
void Renderer::renderReferenceMark(const ReferenceMark& refMark,
const Vector3f& pos,
float distance,
double now,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float nearPlaneDistance,
const Matrices &m)
float altitude = distance - refMark.boundingSphereRadius();
float discSizeInPixels = refMark.boundingSphereRadius() /
(max(nearPlaneDistance, altitude) * pixelSize);
if (discSizeInPixels <= 1)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
refMark.render(this, pos, discSizeInPixels, now, m);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
void Renderer::renderAsterisms(const Universe& universe, float dist, const Matrices& mvp)
auto *asterisms = universe.getAsterisms();
if ((renderFlags & ShowDiagrams) == 0 || asterisms == nullptr)
if (m_asterismRenderer == nullptr)
m_asterismRenderer = new AsterismRenderer(asterisms);
else if (!m_asterismRenderer->sameAsterisms(asterisms))
delete m_asterismRenderer;
m_asterismRenderer = new AsterismRenderer(asterisms);
float opacity = 1.0f;
if (dist > MaxAsterismLinesConstDist)
opacity = std::clamp((MaxAsterismLinesConstDist - dist)
/ (MaxAsterismLinesDist - MaxAsterismLinesConstDist) + 1.0f,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
m_asterismRenderer->render(*this, Color(ConstellationColor, opacity), mvp);
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
void Renderer::renderBoundaries(const Universe& universe, float dist, const Matrices& mvp)
auto boundaries = universe.getBoundaries();
if ((renderFlags & ShowBoundaries) == 0 || boundaries == nullptr)
if (m_boundariesRenderer == nullptr)
m_boundariesRenderer = new BoundariesRenderer(boundaries);
else if (!m_boundariesRenderer->sameBoundaries(boundaries))
delete m_boundariesRenderer;
m_boundariesRenderer = new BoundariesRenderer(boundaries);
/* We'll linearly fade the boundaries as a function of the
observer's distance to the origin of coordinates: */
float opacity = 1.0f;
if (dist > MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist)
opacity = std::clamp((MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist - dist)
/ (MaxAsterismLabelsDist - MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist) + 1.0f,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
m_boundariesRenderer->render(*this, Color(BoundaryColor, opacity), mvp);
// Helper function to compute the luminosity of a perfectly
// reflective disc with the specified radius. This is used as an upper
// bound for the apparent brightness of an object when culling
// invisible objects.
static float luminosityAtOpposition(float sunLuminosity,
float distanceFromSun,
float objRadius)
// Compute the total power of the star in Watts
double power = astro::SOLAR_POWER * sunLuminosity;
// Compute the irradiance at the body's distance from the star
double irradiance = power / sphereArea(distanceFromSun * 1000);
// Compute the total energy hitting the planet; assume an albedo of 1.0, so
// reflected energy = incident energy.
double incidentEnergy = irradiance * circleArea(objRadius * 1000);
// Compute the luminosity (i.e. power relative to solar power)
return (float) (incidentEnergy / astro::SOLAR_POWER);
static bool isBodyVisible(const Body* body, int bodyVisibilityMask)
int klass = body->getClassification();
switch (klass)
// Diffuse objects don't have controls to show/hide visibility
case Body::Diffuse:
return body->isVisible();
// SurfaceFeature and Component inherit visibility of its parent body
case Body::Component:
case Body::SurfaceFeature:
for (;;)
assert(body->getSystem() != nullptr);
body = body->getSystem()->getPrimaryBody();
if (body == nullptr)
// TODO figure out what to do about components/features of stars/barycenters
return false;
if (body->getClassification() != Body::SurfaceFeature
&& body->getClassification() != Body::Component)
return body->isVisible() && (bodyVisibilityMask & body->getClassification()) != 0;
return body->isVisible() && (bodyVisibilityMask & klass) != 0;
void Renderer::addRenderListEntries(RenderListEntry& rle,
Body& body,
bool isLabeled)
bool visibleAsPoint = rle.appMag < faintestPlanetMag && body.isVisibleAsPoint();
if (rle.discSizeInPixels > 1 || visibleAsPoint || isLabeled)
rle.renderableType = RenderListEntry::RenderableBody;
rle.body = &body;
if (body.getGeometry() != InvalidResource && rle.discSizeInPixels > 1)
Geometry* geometry = GetGeometryManager()->find(body.getGeometry());
if (geometry == nullptr)
rle.isOpaque = true;
rle.isOpaque = geometry->isOpaque();
rle.isOpaque = true;
rle.radius = body.getRadius();
if (body.getClassification() == Body::Comet && (renderFlags & ShowCometTails) != 0)
float radius = cometDustTailLength(rle.sun.norm(), body.getRadius());
float discSize = (radius / (float) rle.distance) / pixelSize;
if (discSize > 1)
rle.renderableType = RenderListEntry::RenderableCometTail;
rle.body = &body;
rle.isOpaque = false;
rle.radius = radius;
rle.discSizeInPixels = discSize;
const list<ReferenceMark*>* refMarks = body.getReferenceMarks();
if (refMarks != nullptr)
for (const auto rm : *refMarks)
rle.renderableType = RenderListEntry::RenderableReferenceMark;
rle.refMark = rm;
rle.isOpaque = rm->isOpaque();
rle.radius = rm->boundingSphereRadius();
void Renderer::buildRenderLists(const Vector3d& astrocentricObserverPos,
const Frustum& viewFrustum,
const Vector3d& viewPlaneNormal,
const Vector3d& frameCenter,
const FrameTree* tree,
const Observer& observer,
double now)
int labelClassMask = translateLabelModeToClassMask(labelMode);
Matrix3f viewMat = observer.getOrientationf().toRotationMatrix();
Vector3f viewMatZ = viewMat.row(2);
double invCosViewAngle = 1.0 / cosViewConeAngle;
double sinViewAngle = sqrt(1.0 - square(cosViewConeAngle));
unsigned int nChildren = tree != nullptr ? tree->childCount() : 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
auto phase = tree->getChild(i);
// No need to do anything if the phase isn't active now
if (!phase->includes(now))
2002-10-05 03:22:05 -06:00
Body* body = phase->body();
// pos_s: sun-relative position of object
// pos_v: viewer-relative position of object
// Get the position of the body relative to the sun.
Vector3d p = phase->orbit()->positionAtTime(now);
auto frame = phase->orbitFrame();
Vector3d pos_s = frameCenter + frame->getOrientation(now).conjugate() * p;
// We now have the positions of the observer and the planet relative
// to the sun. From these, compute the position of the body
// relative to the observer.
Vector3d pos_v = pos_s - astrocentricObserverPos;
// dist_vn: distance along view normal from the viewer to the
// projection of the object's center.
double dist_vn = viewPlaneNormal.dot(pos_v);
// Vector from object center to its projection on the view normal.
Vector3d toViewNormal = pos_v - dist_vn * viewPlaneNormal;
float cullingRadius = body->getCullingRadius();
// The result of the planetshine test can be reused for the view cone
// test, but only when the object's light influence sphere is larger
// than the geometry. This is not
bool viewConeTestFailed = false;
if (body->isSecondaryIlluminator())
float influenceRadius = body->getBoundingRadius() + (body->getRadius() * PLANETSHINE_DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR);
if (dist_vn > -influenceRadius)
double maxPerpDist = (influenceRadius + dist_vn * sinViewAngle) * invCosViewAngle;
double perpDistSq = toViewNormal.squaredNorm();
if (perpDistSq < maxPerpDist * maxPerpDist)
if ((body->getRadius() / (float) pos_v.norm()) / pixelSize > PLANETSHINE_PIXEL_SIZE_LIMIT)
// add to planetshine list if larger than 1/10 pixel
clog << "Planetshine: " << body->getName()
<< ", " << body->getRadius() / (float) pos_v.length() / pixelSize << endl;
SecondaryIlluminator illum;
illum.body = body;
illum.position_v = pos_v;
illum.radius = body->getRadius();
viewConeTestFailed = influenceRadius > cullingRadius;
viewConeTestFailed = influenceRadius > cullingRadius;
bool insideViewCone = false;
if (!viewConeTestFailed)
2002-06-11 23:29:34 -06:00
float radius = body->getCullingRadius();
if (dist_vn > -radius)
2002-06-11 23:29:34 -06:00
double maxPerpDist = (radius + dist_vn * sinViewAngle) * invCosViewAngle;
double perpDistSq = toViewNormal.squaredNorm();
insideViewCone = perpDistSq < maxPerpDist * maxPerpDist;
2002-06-11 23:29:34 -06:00
if (insideViewCone)
// Calculate the distance to the viewer
double dist_v = pos_v.norm();
// Calculate the size of the planet/moon disc in pixels
float discSize = (body->getCullingRadius() / (float) dist_v) / pixelSize;
// Compute the apparent magnitude; instead of summing the reflected
// light from all nearby stars, we just consider the one with the
// highest apparent brightness.
float appMag = 100.0f;
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lightSourceList.size(); li++)
Vector3d sunPos = pos_v - lightSourceList[li].position;
appMag = min(appMag, body->getApparentMagnitude(lightSourceList[li].luminosity, sunPos, pos_v));
bool visibleAsPoint = appMag < faintestPlanetMag && body->isVisibleAsPoint();
bool isLabeled = (body->getOrbitClassification() & labelClassMask) != 0;
if ((discSize > 1 || visibleAsPoint || isLabeled) && isBodyVisible(body, bodyVisibilityMask))
RenderListEntry rle;
rle.position = pos_v.cast<float>();
rle.distance = (float) dist_v;
rle.centerZ = pos_v.cast<float>().dot(viewMatZ);
rle.appMag = appMag;
rle.discSizeInPixels = body->getRadius() / ((float) dist_v * pixelSize);
// TODO: Remove this. It's only used in two places: for calculating comet tail
// length, and for calculating sky brightness to adjust the limiting magnitude.
// In both cases, it's the wrong quantity to use (e.g. for objects with orbits
// defined relative to the SSB.)
rle.sun = -pos_s.cast<float>();
addRenderListEntries(rle, *body, isLabeled);
const FrameTree* subtree = body->getFrameTree();
if (subtree != nullptr)
double dist_v = pos_v.norm();
bool traverseSubtree = false;
// There are two different tests available to determine whether we can reject
// the object's subtree. If the subtree contains no light reflecting objects,
// then render the subtree only when:
// - the subtree bounding sphere intersects the view frustum, and
// - the subtree contains an object bright or large enough to be visible.
// Otherwise, render the subtree when any of the above conditions are
// true or when a subtree object could potentially illuminate something
// in the view cone.
auto minPossibleDistance = (float) (dist_v - subtree->boundingSphereRadius());
float brightestPossible = 0.0;
float largestPossible = 0.0;
// If the viewer is not within the subtree bounding sphere, see if we can cull it because
// it contains no objects brighter than the limiting magnitude and no objects that will
// be larger than one pixel in size.
if (minPossibleDistance > 1.0f)
// Figure out the magnitude of the brightest possible object in the subtree.
// Compute the luminosity from reflected light of the largest object in the subtree
float lum = 0.0f;
for (unsigned int li = 0; li < lightSourceList.size(); li++)
Vector3d sunPos = pos_v - lightSourceList[li].position;
lum += luminosityAtOpposition(lightSourceList[li].luminosity, (float) sunPos.norm(), (float) subtree->maxChildRadius());
brightestPossible = astro::lumToAppMag(lum, astro::kilometersToLightYears(minPossibleDistance));
largestPossible = (float) subtree->maxChildRadius() / (float) minPossibleDistance / pixelSize;
// Viewer is within the bounding sphere, so the object could be very close.
// Assume that an object in the subree could be very bright or large,
// so no culling will occur.
brightestPossible = -100.0f;
largestPossible = 100.0f;
if (brightestPossible < faintestPlanetMag || largestPossible > 1.0f)
// See if the object or any of its children are within the view frustum
if (viewFrustum.testSphere(pos_v.cast<float>(), (float) subtree->boundingSphereRadius()) != Frustum::Outside)
traverseSubtree = true;
// If the subtree contains secondary illuminators, do one last check if it hasn't
// already been determined if we need to traverse the subtree: see if something
// in the subtree could possibly contribute significant illumination to an
// object in the view cone.
if (subtree->containsSecondaryIlluminators() &&
!traverseSubtree &&
auto influenceRadius = (float) (subtree->boundingSphereRadius() +
(subtree->maxChildRadius() * PLANETSHINE_DISTANCE_LIMIT_FACTOR));
if (dist_vn > -influenceRadius)
double maxPerpDist = (influenceRadius + dist_vn * sinViewAngle) * invCosViewAngle;
double perpDistSq = toViewNormal.squaredNorm();
if (perpDistSq < maxPerpDist * maxPerpDist)
traverseSubtree = true;
if (traverseSubtree)
} // end subtree traverse
void Renderer::buildOrbitLists(const Vector3d& astrocentricObserverPos,
const Quaterniond& observerOrientation,
const Frustum& viewFrustum,
const FrameTree* tree,
double now)
Matrix3d viewMat = observerOrientation.toRotationMatrix();
Vector3d viewMatZ = viewMat.row(2);
unsigned int nChildren = tree != nullptr ? tree->childCount() : 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nChildren; i++)
auto phase = tree->getChild(i);
// No need to do anything if the phase isn't active now
if (!phase->includes(now))
Body* body = phase->body();
// pos_s: sun-relative position of object
// pos_v: viewer-relative position of object
// Get the position of the body relative to the sun.
Vector3d pos_s = body->getAstrocentricPosition(now);
// We now have the positions of the observer and the planet relative
// to the sun. From these, compute the position of the body
// relative to the observer.
Vector3d pos_v = pos_s - astrocentricObserverPos;
// Only show orbits for major bodies or selected objects.
Body::VisibilityPolicy orbitVis = body->getOrbitVisibility();
if (body->isVisible() &&
(body == highlightObject.body() ||
orbitVis == Body::AlwaysVisible ||
(orbitVis == Body::UseClassVisibility && (body->getOrbitClassification() & orbitMask) != 0)))
Vector3d orbitOrigin = Vector3d::Zero();
Selection centerObject = phase->orbitFrame()->getCenter();
if (centerObject.body() != nullptr)
orbitOrigin = centerObject.body()->getAstrocentricPosition(now);
// Calculate the origin of the orbit relative to the observer
Vector3d relOrigin = orbitOrigin - astrocentricObserverPos;
// Compute the size of the orbit in pixels
double originDistance = pos_v.norm();
double boundingRadius = body->getOrbit(now)->getBoundingRadius();
auto orbitRadiusInPixels = (float) (boundingRadius / (originDistance * pixelSize));
if (orbitRadiusInPixels > minOrbitSize)
// Add the orbit of this body to the list of orbits to be rendered
OrbitPathListEntry path;
path.body = body;
path.star = nullptr;
path.centerZ = (float) relOrigin.dot(viewMatZ);
path.radius = (float) boundingRadius;
path.origin = relOrigin;
path.opacity = sizeFade(orbitRadiusInPixels, minOrbitSize, 2.0f);
const FrameTree* subtree = body->getFrameTree();
if (subtree != nullptr)
// Only try to render orbits of child objects when:
// - The apparent size of the subtree bounding sphere is large enough that
// orbit paths will be visible, and
// - The subtree bounding sphere isn't outside the view frustum
double dist_v = pos_v.norm();
auto distanceToBoundingSphere = (float) (dist_v - subtree->boundingSphereRadius());
bool traverseSubtree = false;
if (distanceToBoundingSphere > 0.0f)
// We're inside the subtree's bounding sphere
traverseSubtree = true;
float maxPossibleOrbitSize = (float) subtree->boundingSphereRadius() / ((float) dist_v * pixelSize);
if (maxPossibleOrbitSize > minOrbitSize)
traverseSubtree = true;
if (traverseSubtree)
// See if the object or any of its children are within the view frustum
if (viewFrustum.testSphere(pos_v.cast<float>(), (float) subtree->boundingSphereRadius()) != Frustum::Outside)
} // end subtree traverse
static Color getBodyLabelColor(int classification)
switch (classification)
case Body::Planet:
return Renderer::PlanetLabelColor;
case Body::DwarfPlanet:
return Renderer::DwarfPlanetLabelColor;
case Body::Moon:
return Renderer::MoonLabelColor;
case Body::MinorMoon:
return Renderer::MinorMoonLabelColor;
case Body::Asteroid:
return Renderer::AsteroidLabelColor;
case Body::Comet:
return Renderer::CometLabelColor;
case Body::Spacecraft:
return Renderer::SpacecraftLabelColor;
return Color::Black;
void Renderer::buildLabelLists(const Frustum& viewFrustum,
double now)
int labelClassMask = translateLabelModeToClassMask(labelMode);
Body* lastPrimary = nullptr;
Sphered primarySphere;
for (auto &ri : renderList)
if (ri.renderableType != RenderListEntry::RenderableBody)
if ((ri.body->getOrbitClassification() & labelClassMask) == 0)
if (viewFrustum.testSphere(ri.position, ri.radius) == Frustum::Outside)
const Body* body = ri.body;
auto boundingRadiusSize = (float) (body->getOrbit(now)->getBoundingRadius() / ri.distance) / pixelSize;
if (boundingRadiusSize <= minOrbitSize)
if (body->getName().empty())
auto phase = body->getTimeline()->findPhase(now);
Body* primary = phase->orbitFrame()->getCenter().body();
if (primary != nullptr && (primary->getClassification() & Body::Invisible) != 0)
Body* parent = phase->orbitFrame()->getCenter().body();
if (parent != nullptr)
primary = parent;
// Position the label slightly in front of the object along a line from
// object center to viewer.
Vector3f pos = ri.position;
pos = pos * (1.0f - body->getBoundingRadius() * 1.01f / pos.norm());
// Try and position the label so that it's not partially
// occluded by other objects. We'll consider just the object
// that the labeled body is orbiting (its primary) as a
// potential occluder. If a ray from the viewer to labeled
// object center intersects the occluder first, skip
// rendering the object label. Otherwise, ensure that the
// label is completely in front of the primary by projecting
// it onto the plane tangent to the primary at the
// viewer-primary intersection point. Whew. Don't do any of
// this if the primary isn't an ellipsoid.
// This only handles the problem of partial label occlusion
// for low orbiting and surface positioned objects, but that
// case is *much* more common than other possibilities.
if (primary != nullptr && primary->isEllipsoid())
// In the typical case, we're rendering labels for many
// objects that orbit the same primary. Avoid repeatedly
// calling getPosition() by caching the last primary
// position.
if (primary != lastPrimary)
Vector3d p = phase->orbitFrame()->getOrientation(now).conjugate() *
Vector3d v = ri.position.cast<double>() - p;
primarySphere = Sphered(v, primary->getRadius());
lastPrimary = primary;
Eigen::ParametrizedLine<double, 3> testRay(Vector3d::Zero(), pos.cast<double>());
// Test the viewer-to-labeled object ray against
// the primary sphere (TODO: handle ellipsoids)
double t = 0.0;
bool isBehindPrimary = false;
if (testIntersection(testRay, primarySphere, t))
// Center of labeled object is behind primary
// sphere; mark it for rejection.
isBehindPrimary = t < 1.0;
if (!isBehindPrimary)
// Not rejected. Compute the plane tangent to
// the primary at the viewer-to-primary
// intersection point.
Vector3d primaryVec = primarySphere.center;
double distToPrimary = primaryVec.norm();
double t = 1.0 - primarySphere.radius / distToPrimary;
double distance = primaryVec.dot(primaryVec * t);
// Compute the intersection of the viewer-to-labeled
// object ray with the tangent plane.
Vector3d posd = pos.cast<double>();
float u = (float)(distance / primaryVec.dot(posd));
// If the intersection point is closer to the viewer
// than the label, then project the label onto the
// tangent plane.
if (u < 1.0f && u > 0.0f)
pos = pos * u;
Color labelColor = getBodyLabelColor(ri.body->getOrbitClassification());
float opacity = sizeFade(boundingRadiusSize, minOrbitSize, 2.0f);
labelColor.alpha(opacity * labelColor.alpha());
addSortedAnnotation(nullptr, body->getName(true), labelColor, pos);
} // for each render list entry
// Add a star orbit to the render list
void Renderer::addStarOrbitToRenderList(const Star& star,
const Observer& observer,
double now)
// If the star isn't fixed, add its orbit to the render list
if ((renderFlags & ShowOrbits) == 0)
if ((orbitMask & Body::Stellar) == 0 && highlightObject.star() != &star)
if (star.getOrbit() == nullptr)
Matrix3d viewMat = observer.getOrientation().toRotationMatrix();
Vector3d viewMatZ = viewMat.row(2);
// Get orbit origin relative to the observer
Vector3d orbitOrigin = star.getOrbitBarycenterPosition(now).offsetFromKm(observer.getPosition());
// Compute the size of the orbit in pixels
double originDistance = orbitOrigin.norm();
double boundingRadius = star.getOrbit()->getBoundingRadius();
auto orbitRadiusInPixels = (float)(boundingRadius / (originDistance * pixelSize));
if (orbitRadiusInPixels > minOrbitSize)
// Add the orbit of this body to the list of orbits to be rendered
OrbitPathListEntry path;
path.star = &star;
path.body = nullptr;
path.centerZ = (float)orbitOrigin.dot(viewMatZ);
path.radius = (float)boundingRadius;
path.origin = orbitOrigin;
path.opacity = sizeFade(orbitRadiusInPixels, minOrbitSize, 2.0f);
// Calculate the maximum field of view (from top left corner to bottom right) of
// a frustum with the specified aspect ratio (width/height) and vertical field of
// view. We follow the convention used elsewhere and use units of degrees for
// the field of view angle.
static double calcMaxFOV(double fovY_degrees, double aspectRatio)
double l = 1.0 / tan(degToRad(fovY_degrees / 2.0));
return radToDeg(atan(sqrt(aspectRatio * aspectRatio + 1.0) / l)) * 2.0;
void Renderer::renderPointStars(const StarDatabase& starDB,
float faintestMagNight,
const Observer& observer)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
// Disable multisample rendering when drawing point stars
bool toggleAA = (starStyle == Renderer::PointStars && isMSAAEnabled());
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
if (toggleAA)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
Vector3d obsPos = observer.getPosition().toLy();
PointStarRenderer starRenderer;
2021-12-29 05:30:13 -07:00
starRenderer.renderer = this;
starRenderer.starDB = &starDB;
starRenderer.observer = &observer;
starRenderer.obsPos = obsPos;
starRenderer.viewNormal = observer.getOrientationf().conjugate() * -Vector3f::UnitZ();
starRenderer.renderList = &renderList;
starRenderer.starVertexBuffer = pointStarVertexBuffer;
starRenderer.glareVertexBuffer = glareVertexBuffer;
starRenderer.fov = fov;
2019-11-20 10:35:16 -07:00
starRenderer.cosFOV = (float) cos(degToRad(calcMaxFOV(fov, getAspectRatio())) / 2.0f);
starRenderer.pixelSize = pixelSize;
starRenderer.faintestMag = faintestMag;
2018-10-27 10:17:56 -06:00
starRenderer.distanceLimit = distanceLimit;
starRenderer.labelMode = labelMode;
starRenderer.SolarSystemMaxDistance = SolarSystemMaxDistance;
// = 1.0 at startup
float effDistanceToScreen = mmToInches((float) REF_DISTANCE_TO_SCREEN) * pixelSize * getScreenDpi();
starRenderer.labelThresholdMag = 1.2f * max(1.0f, (faintestMag - 4.0f) * (1.0f - 0.5f * (float) log10(effDistanceToScreen)));
starRenderer.colorTemp = colorTemp;
starRenderer.starVertexBuffer->setPointScale(screenDpi / 96.0f);
starRenderer.glareVertexBuffer->setPointScale(screenDpi / 96.0f);
2018-10-02 03:00:33 -06:00
if (starStyle == PointStars)
2018-10-02 03:00:33 -06:00
m_starProcStats.nodes = 0;
m_starProcStats.height = 0;
m_starProcStats.objects = 0;
2019-11-20 10:35:16 -07:00
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-04-19 08:43:34 -06:00
if (toggleAA)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-04-18 09:10:08 -06:00
void Renderer::renderDeepSkyObjects(const Universe& universe,
const Observer& observer,
const float faintestMagNight)
DSORenderer dsoRenderer;
2018-10-27 10:17:56 -06:00
Vector3d obsPos = observer.getPosition().toLy();
DSODatabase* dsoDB = universe.getDSOCatalog();
dsoRenderer.renderer = this;
dsoRenderer.dsoDB = dsoDB;
2018-10-27 10:17:56 -06:00
dsoRenderer.orientationMatrix= observer.getOrientationf().conjugate().toRotationMatrix();
dsoRenderer.observer = &observer;
dsoRenderer.obsPos = obsPos;
dsoRenderer.fov = fov;
// size/pixelSize =0.86 at 120deg, 1.43 at 45deg and 1.6 at 0deg.
dsoRenderer.pixelSize = pixelSize;
dsoRenderer.avgAbsMag = dsoDB->getAverageAbsoluteMagnitude();
dsoRenderer.faintestMag = faintestMag;
dsoRenderer.renderFlags = renderFlags;
dsoRenderer.labelMode = labelMode;
dsoRenderer.wWidth = windowWidth;
dsoRenderer.wHeight = windowHeight;
dsoRenderer.frustum = Frustum(degToRad(fov),
2019-11-20 10:35:16 -07:00
// Use pixelSize * screenDpi instead of FoV, to eliminate windowHeight dependence.
// = 1.0 at startup
float effDistanceToScreen = mmToInches((float) REF_DISTANCE_TO_SCREEN) * pixelSize * getScreenDpi();
2008-09-20 08:17:39 -06:00
dsoRenderer.labelThresholdMag = 2.0f * max(1.0f, (faintestMag - 4.0f) * (1.0f - 0.5f * (float) log10(effDistanceToScreen)));
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
using namespace celestia;
galaxyRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Triangle, 8.0f, GalaxyLabelColor);
nebulaRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Square, 8.0f, NebulaLabelColor);
openClusterRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Circle, 8.0f, OpenClusterLabelColor);
2020-04-19 07:13:28 -06:00
globularRep = MarkerRepresentation(MarkerRepresentation::Circle, 8.0f, GlobularLabelColor);
// Render any line primitives with smooth lines
// (mostly to make graticules look good.)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
setBlendingFactors(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
m_dsoProcStats.objects = 0;
m_dsoProcStats.nodes = 0;
m_dsoProcStats.height = 0;
2019-11-20 10:35:16 -07:00
2 * faintestMagNight,
// clog << "DSOs processed: " << dsoRenderer.dsosProcessed << endl;
static Vector3d toStandardCoords(const Vector3d& v)
return Vector3d(v.x(), -v.z(), v.y());
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
void Renderer::renderSkyGrids(const Observer& observer)
if ((renderFlags & ShowCelestialSphere) != 0)
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
SkyGrid grid;
grid.setOrientation(Quaterniond(AngleAxis<double>(astro::J2000Obliquity, Vector3d::UnitX())));
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
grid.render(*this, observer, windowWidth, windowHeight);
if ((renderFlags & ShowGalacticGrid) != 0)
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
SkyGrid galacticGrid;
galacticGrid.setOrientation((astro::eclipticToEquatorial() * astro::equatorialToGalactic()).conjugate());
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
galacticGrid.render(*this, observer, windowWidth, windowHeight);
if ((renderFlags & ShowEclipticGrid) != 0)
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
SkyGrid grid;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
grid.render(*this, observer, windowWidth, windowHeight);
if ((renderFlags & ShowHorizonGrid) != 0)
double tdb = observer.getTime();
auto frame = observer.getFrame();
Body* body = frame->getRefObject().body();
if (body != nullptr)
SkyGrid grid;
Vector3d zenithDirection = observer.getPosition().offsetFromKm(body->getPosition(tdb)).normalized();
Vector3d northPole = body->getEclipticToEquatorial(tdb).conjugate() * Vector3d::UnitY();
zenithDirection = toStandardCoords(zenithDirection);
northPole = toStandardCoords(northPole);
Vector3d v = zenithDirection.cross(northPole);
// Horizontal coordinate system not well defined when observer
// is at a pole.
double tolerance = 1.0e-10;
if (v.norm() > tolerance && v.norm() < 1.0 - tolerance)
Vector3d u = v.cross(zenithDirection);
Matrix3d m;
m.row(0) = u;
m.row(1) = v;
m.row(2) = zenithDirection;
grid.render(*this, observer, windowWidth, windowHeight);
2019-11-08 05:24:42 -07:00
void Renderer::labelConstellations(const AsterismList& asterisms,
const Observer& observer)
Vector3f observerPos = observer.getPosition().toLy().cast<float>();
for (auto ast : asterisms)
if (ast->getChainCount() > 0 && ast->getActive())
const Asterism::Chain& chain = ast->getChain(0);
if (!chain.empty())
// The constellation label is positioned at the average
// position of all stars in the first chain. This usually
// gives reasonable results.
2009-07-15 21:27:11 -06:00
Vector3f avg = Vector3f::Zero();
// XXX: std::reduce
for (const auto& c : chain)
avg += c;
avg = avg / (float) chain.size();
// Draw all constellation labels at the same distance
avg = avg * 1.0e4f;
2009-07-15 21:27:11 -06:00
Vector3f rpos = avg - observerPos;
if ((observer.getOrientationf() * rpos).z() < 0)
// We'll linearly fade the labels as a function of the
// observer's distance to the origin of coordinates:
float opacity = 1.0f;
2009-07-15 21:27:11 -06:00
float dist = observerPos.norm();
if (dist > MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist)
opacity = std::clamp((MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist - dist)
/ (MaxAsterismLabelsDist - MaxAsterismLabelsConstDist) + 1.0f,
// Use the default label color unless the constellation has an
// override color set.
Color labelColor = ConstellationLabelColor;
if (ast->isColorOverridden())
labelColor = ast->getOverrideColor();
ast->getName((labelMode & I18nConstellationLabels) != 0),
Color(labelColor, opacity),
AlignCenter, VerticalAlignCenter);
void Renderer::renderParticles(const vector<Particle>& particles)
ShaderProperties shaderprop;
shaderprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::ParticleModel;
shaderprop.texUsage = ShaderProperties::PointSprite;
auto *prog = shaderManager->getShader(shaderprop);
if (prog == nullptr)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(Particle), &particles[0].center);
sizeof(Particle), &particles[0].size);
glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, particles.size());
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
Renderer::renderAnnotationMarker(const Annotation &a,
FontStyle fs,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float depth,
const Matrices &m)
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
const celestia::MarkerRepresentation& markerRep = *a.markerRep;
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
float size = a.size > 0.0f ? a.size : markerRep.size();
glVertexAttrib(CelestiaGLProgram::ColorAttributeIndex, a.color);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrix4f mv = vecgl::translate(*m.modelview, (float)(int)a.position.x(), (float)(int)a.position.y(), depth);
Matrices mm = { m.projection, &mv };
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
if (markerRep.symbol() == celestia::MarkerRepresentation::Crosshair)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderCrosshair(size, realTime, a.color, mm);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
markerRep.render(*this, size, mm);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
if (!markerRep.label().empty())
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
auto font = getFont(fs);
if (font)
int labelOffset = (int)markerRep.size() / 2;
float x = labelOffset + PixelOffset;
float y = -labelOffset - font->getHeight() + PixelOffset;
font->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, mv);
font->render(markerRep.label(), x, y);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
Renderer::renderAnnotationLabel(const Annotation &a,
FontStyle fs,
int hOffset,
int vOffset,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
float depth,
const Matrices &m)
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
glVertexAttrib(CelestiaGLProgram::ColorAttributeIndex, a.color);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrix4f mv = vecgl::translate(*m.modelview,
(int)a.position.x() + hOffset + PixelOffset,
(int)a.position.y() + vOffset + PixelOffset,
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
auto font = getFont(fs);
if (!font)
font->setMVPMatrices(*m.projection, mv);
font->render(a.labelText, 0.0f, 0.0f);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
// stars and constellations. DSOs
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
void Renderer::renderAnnotations(const vector<Annotation>& annotations,
FontStyle fs)
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
auto font = getFont(fs);
if (!font)
// Enable line smoothing for rendering symbols
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrix4f mv = Matrix4f::Identity();
Matrices m = { &m_orthoProjMatrix, &mv };
for (int i = 0; i < (int) annotations.size(); i++)
if (annotations[i].markerRep != nullptr)
2007-06-25 15:31:40 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderAnnotationMarker(annotations[i], fs, 0.0f, m);
2007-06-25 15:31:40 -06:00
if (!annotations[i].labelText.empty())
2007-06-25 15:31:40 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
int labelWidth = 0;
int hOffset = 2;
int vOffset = 0;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
switch (annotations[i].halign)
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
case AlignCenter:
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
labelWidth = (font->getWidth(annotations[i].labelText));
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
hOffset = -labelWidth / 2;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
case AlignRight:
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
labelWidth = (font->getWidth(annotations[i].labelText));
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
hOffset = -(labelWidth + 2);
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
case AlignLeft:
if (annotations[i].markerRep != nullptr)
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
hOffset = 2 + (int) annotations[i].markerRep->size() / 2;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
switch (annotations[i].valign)
case VerticalAlignCenter:
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
vOffset = -font->getHeight() / 2;
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
case VerticalAlignTop:
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
vOffset = -font->getHeight();
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
case VerticalAlignBottom:
vOffset = 0;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderAnnotationLabel(annotations[i], fs, hOffset, vOffset, 0.0f, m);
2007-06-25 15:31:40 -06:00
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Renderer::renderBackgroundAnnotations(FontStyle fs)
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
renderAnnotations(backgroundAnnotations, fs);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
Renderer::renderForegroundAnnotations(FontStyle fs)
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2008-05-29 15:52:27 -06:00
renderAnnotations(foregroundAnnotations, fs);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
// solar system objects
Renderer::renderSortedAnnotations(vector<Annotation>::iterator iter,
float nearDist,
float farDist,
FontStyle fs)
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
return renderAnnotations(iter, depthSortedAnnotations.end(), nearDist, farDist, fs);
2020-04-15 10:18:34 -06:00
// locations
Renderer::renderAnnotations(vector<Annotation>::iterator startIter,
vector<Annotation>::iterator endIter,
float nearDist,
float farDist,
FontStyle fs)
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
auto font = getFont(fs);
if (!font)
return endIter;
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrix4f mv = Matrix4f::Identity();
Matrices m = { &m_orthoProjMatrix, &mv };
// Precompute values that will be used to generate the normalized device z value;
// we're effectively just handling the projection instead of OpenGL. We use an orthographic
// projection matrix in order to get the label text position exactly right but need to mimic
// the depth coordinate generation of a perspective projection. For fisheye, just apply a
// linear transformation since fisheye uses orthographic projection already.
float d0 = farDist - nearDist;
float d1 = -(farDist + nearDist) / d0; // Used in perspective projection
float d2 = -2.0f * nearDist * farDist / d0; // Used in perspective projection
bool fisheye = projectionMode == ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode;
vector<Annotation>::iterator iter = startIter;
for (; iter != endIter && iter->position.z() > nearDist; iter++)
// Compute normalized device z
float z = fisheye ? (1.0f - (iter->position.z() - nearDist) / d0 * 2.0f) : (d1 + d2 / -iter->position.z());
float ndc_z = std::clamp(z, -1.0f, 1.0f);
// Offsets to left align label
int labelHOffset = 0;
int labelVOffset = 0;
if (iter->markerRep != nullptr)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderAnnotationMarker(*iter, fs, ndc_z, m);
if (!iter->labelText.empty())
if (iter->markerRep != nullptr)
labelHOffset += (int) iter->markerRep->size() / 2 + 3;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderAnnotationLabel(*iter, fs, labelHOffset, labelVOffset, ndc_z, m);
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2021-05-23 06:13:35 -06:00
return iter;
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::markersToAnnotations(const celestia::MarkerList& markers,
const Observer& observer,
double jd)
2003-01-31 21:42:21 -07:00
const UniversalCoord& cameraPosition = observer.getPosition();
const Quaterniond& cameraOrientation = observer.getOrientation();
Vector3d viewVector = cameraOrientation.conjugate() * -Vector3d::UnitZ();
for (const auto& marker : markers)
2003-01-31 21:42:21 -07:00
Vector3d offset = marker.position(jd).offsetFromKm(cameraPosition);
2020-04-28 12:30:58 -06:00
double distance = offset.norm();
// Only render those markers that lie withing the field of view.
2020-04-28 12:30:58 -06:00
if ((offset.dot(viewVector)) > cosViewConeAngle * distance)
float symbolSize = 0.0f;
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
if (marker.sizing() == celestia::DistanceBasedSize)
symbolSize = (float) (marker.representation().size() / distance) / pixelSize;
auto *a = &foregroundAnnotations;
if (marker.occludable())
2003-01-31 21:42:21 -07:00
// If the marker is occludable, add it to the sorted annotation list if it's relatively
// nearby, and to the background list if it's very distant.
if (distance < astro::lightYearsToKilometers(1.0))
// Modify the marker position so that it is always in front of the marked object.
double boundingRadius;
if (marker.object().body() != nullptr)
boundingRadius = marker.object().body()->getBoundingRadius();
boundingRadius = marker.object().radius();
offset *= (1.0 - boundingRadius * 1.01 / distance);
a = &depthSortedAnnotations;
a = &backgroundAnnotations;
addAnnotation(*a, &(marker.representation()), "",
AlignLeft, VerticalAlignTop, symbolSize);
2003-01-31 21:42:21 -07:00
void Renderer::setStarStyle(StarStyle style)
starStyle = style;
Renderer::StarStyle Renderer::getStarStyle() const
return starStyle;
void Renderer::loadTextures(Body* body)
Surface& surface = body->getSurface();
if (surface.baseTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
if ((surface.appearanceFlags & Surface::ApplyBumpMap) != 0 &&
surface.bumpTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
if ((surface.appearanceFlags & Surface::ApplyNightMap) != 0 &&
(renderFlags & ShowNightMaps) != 0)
if ((surface.appearanceFlags & Surface::SeparateSpecularMap) != 0 &&
surface.specularTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
if ((renderFlags & ShowCloudMaps) != 0 &&
body->getAtmosphere() != nullptr &&
body->getAtmosphere()->cloudTexture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
if (body->getRings() != nullptr &&
body->getRings()->texture.tex[textureResolution] != InvalidResource)
if (body->getGeometry() != InvalidResource)
Geometry* geometry = GetGeometryManager()->find(body->getGeometry());
if (geometry != nullptr)
void Renderer::invalidateOrbitCache()
bool Renderer::settingsHaveChanged() const
return settingsChanged;
void Renderer::markSettingsChanged()
settingsChanged = true;
void Renderer::addWatcher(RendererWatcher* watcher)
assert(watcher != nullptr);
void Renderer::removeWatcher(RendererWatcher* watcher)
auto iter = find(watchers.begin(), watchers.end(), watcher);
if (iter != watchers.end())
void Renderer::notifyWatchers() const
for (const auto watcher : watchers)
void Renderer::updateBodyVisibilityMask()
// Bodies with type `Invisible' (e.g. ReferencePoints) are not drawn,
// but if their property `Visible' is set they have visible labels,
// so we make `Body::Invisible' class visible.
int flags = Body::Invisible;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowPlanets) != 0)
flags |= Body::Planet;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowDwarfPlanets) != 0)
flags |= Body::DwarfPlanet;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowMoons) != 0)
flags |= Body::Moon;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowMinorMoons) != 0)
flags |= Body::MinorMoon;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowAsteroids) != 0)
flags |= Body::Asteroid;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowComets) != 0)
flags |= Body::Comet;
if ((renderFlags & Renderer::ShowSpacecrafts) != 0)
flags |= Body::Spacecraft;
bodyVisibilityMask = flags;
2019-06-06 13:48:52 -06:00
void Renderer::setSolarSystemMaxDistance(float t)
SolarSystemMaxDistance = std::clamp(t, 1.0f, 10.0f);
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
void Renderer::getViewport(int* x, int* y, int* w, int* h) const
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
GLint viewport[4];
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, viewport);
if (x != nullptr)
*x = viewport[0];
if (y != nullptr)
*y = viewport[1];
if (w != nullptr)
*w = viewport[2];
if (h != nullptr)
*h = viewport[3];
void Renderer::getViewport(std::array<int, 4>& viewport) const
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
static_assert(sizeof(int) == sizeof(GLint), "int and GLint size mismatch");
glGetIntegerv(GL_VIEWPORT, &viewport[0]);
void Renderer::setViewport(int x, int y, int w, int h) const
glViewport(x, y, w, h);
void Renderer::setViewport(const std::array<int, 4>& viewport) const
glViewport(viewport[0], viewport[1], viewport[2], viewport[3]);
void Renderer::setScissor(int x, int y, int w, int h)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if (!m_GLState.scissor)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
m_GLState.scissor = true;
glScissor(x, y, w, h);
void Renderer::removeScissor()
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if (m_GLState.scissor)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
m_GLState.scissor = false;
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
void Renderer::enableMSAA() noexcept
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if (!m_GLState.multisample)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
m_GLState.multisample = true;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
void Renderer::disableMSAA() noexcept
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
if (m_GLState.multisample)
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
m_GLState.multisample = false;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
bool Renderer::isMSAAEnabled() const noexcept
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
return m_GLState.multisample;
void Renderer::enableBlending() noexcept
if (!m_GLState.blending)
m_GLState.blending = true;
void Renderer::disableBlending() noexcept
if (m_GLState.blending)
m_GLState.blending = false;
void Renderer::setBlendingFactors(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) noexcept
if (m_GLState.sfactor != sfactor || m_GLState.dfactor != dfactor)
glBlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor);
m_GLState.sfactor = sfactor;
m_GLState.dfactor = dfactor;
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
void Renderer::enableDepthMask() noexcept
if (!m_GLState.depthMask)
m_GLState.depthMask = true;
void Renderer::disableDepthMask() noexcept
if (m_GLState.depthMask)
m_GLState.depthMask = false;
void Renderer::enableDepthTest() noexcept
if (!m_GLState.depthTest)
m_GLState.depthTest = true;
void Renderer::disableDepthTest() noexcept
if (m_GLState.depthTest)
m_GLState.depthTest = false;
constexpr GLenum toGLFormat(PixelFormat format)
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
return (GLenum) format;
constexpr int formatWidth(PixelFormat format)
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
return format == PixelFormat::RGB
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
|| format == PixelFormat::BGR
? 3 : 4;
Renderer::getPreferredCaptureFormat() const noexcept
#ifdef GL_ES
return PixelFormat::RGBA;
return PixelFormat::RGB;
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
bool Renderer::captureFrame(int x, int y, int w, int h, PixelFormat format, unsigned char* buffer) const
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
glReadPixels(x, y, w, h, toGLFormat(format), GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, (void*) buffer);
bool ok = glGetError() == GL_NO_ERROR;
if (!ok)
return false;
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
if (!gl::MESA_pack_invert)
int realWidth = w * formatWidth(format);
realWidth = (realWidth + 3) & ~0x3;
#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__STRICT_ANSI__)
uint8_t tempLine[realWidth]; // G++ supports VLA as an extension
uint8_t *tempLine = static_cast<uint8_t*>(alloca(realWidth));
uint8_t *fb = buffer;
for (int i = 0, p = realWidth * (h - 1); i < p; i += realWidth, p -= realWidth)
memcpy(tempLine, &fb[i], realWidth);
memcpy(&fb[i], &fb[p], realWidth);
memcpy(&fb[p], tempLine, realWidth);
return ok;
2019-05-25 10:44:38 -06:00
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
void Renderer::drawRectangle(const celestia::Rect &r, int fishEyeOverrideMode, const Eigen::Matrix4f& p, const Eigen::Matrix4f& m)
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
ShaderProperties shadprop;
shadprop.lightModel = ShaderProperties::UnlitModel;
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
bool solid = r.type != celestia::Rect::Type::BorderOnly;
bool lineAsTriangles = false;
if (!solid)
lineAsTriangles = shouldDrawLineAsTriangles();
if (lineAsTriangles)
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::LineAsTriangles;
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
if (r.nColors > 0)
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::VertexColors;
if (r.tex != nullptr)
shadprop.texUsage |= ShaderProperties::DiffuseTexture;
shadprop.fishEyeOverride = fishEyeOverrideMode;
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
auto *prog = getShaderManager().getShader(shadprop);
if (prog == nullptr)
constexpr array<short, 8> texels = {0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0};
array<float, 8> vertices = { r.x, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y, r.x+r.w, r.y+r.h, r.x, r.y+r.h };
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
array<float, 80> lineAsTriangleVertices = {
r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y, -0.5,
r.x, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y, 0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x, r.y, -0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x, r.y, 0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, -0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, 0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, r.x + r.w, r.y, -0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, r.x + r.w, r.y, 0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, r.x, r.y + r.h, -0.5,
r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, r.x, r.y + r.h, 0.5,
r.x, r.y + r.h, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, -0.5,
r.x, r.y + r.h, r.x + r.w, r.y + r.h, 0.5,
r.x, r.y + r.h, r.x, r.y, -0.5,
r.x, r.y + r.h, r.x, r.y, 0.5,
r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.h, -0.5,
r.x, r.y, r.x, r.y + r.h, 0.5,
constexpr array<short, 24> lineAsTriangleIndcies = {
0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 0,
4, 5, 6, 6, 7, 4,
8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 8,
12, 13, 14, 14, 15, 12
if (lineAsTriangles)
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float) * 5, lineAsTriangleVertices.data());
2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float) * 5, lineAsTriangleVertices.data() + 2);
1, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, sizeof(float) * 5, lineAsTriangleVertices.data() + 4);
2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 0, vertices.data());
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
if (r.tex != nullptr)
2, GL_SHORT, GL_FALSE, 0, texels.data());
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
if (r.nColors == 4)
4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, GL_TRUE, 0, r.colors.data());
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
else if (r.nColors == 1)
glVertexAttrib(CelestiaGLProgram::ColorAttributeIndex, r.colors[0]);
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
2020-09-29 20:27:22 -06:00
prog->setMVPMatrices(p, m);
if (lineAsTriangles)
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
prog->lineWidthX = getLineWidthX() * r.lw;
prog->lineWidthY = getLineWidthY() * r.lw;
glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, lineAsTriangleIndcies.size(), GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, lineAsTriangleIndcies.data());
glDrawArrays(solid ? GL_TRIANGLE_FAN : GL_LINE_LOOP, 0, 4);
if (lineAsTriangles)
void Renderer::setRenderRegion(int x, int y, int width, int height, bool withScissor)
if (withScissor)
setScissor(x, y, width, height);
setViewport(x, y, width, height);
resize(width, height);
2019-11-07 14:55:23 -07:00
float Renderer::getAspectRatio() const
return static_cast<float>(windowWidth) / static_cast<float>(windowHeight);
bool Renderer::getInfo(map<string, string>& info) const
info["API"] = "OpenGL";
const char* s;
s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VERSION));
if (s != nullptr)
info["APIVersion"] = s;
s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_VENDOR));
if (s != nullptr)
info["Vendor"] = s;
s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_RENDERER));
if (s != nullptr)
info["Renderer"] = s;
s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION));
if (s != nullptr)
info["Language"] = "GLSL";
info["LanguageVersion"] = s;
GLint maxTextureSize = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxTextureSize);
info["MaxTextureSize"] = to_string(maxTextureSize);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
GLint maxTextureUnits = 1;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS, &maxTextureUnits);
info["MaxTextureUnits"] = to_string(maxTextureUnits);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
GLint pointSizeRange[2];
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
GLfloat lineWidthRange[2];
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
#ifdef GL_ES
glGetIntegerv(GL_ALIASED_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, pointSizeRange);
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
glGetFloatv(GL_ALIASED_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, lineWidthRange);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
glGetIntegerv(GL_SMOOTH_POINT_SIZE_RANGE, pointSizeRange);
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
glGetFloatv(GL_SMOOTH_LINE_WIDTH_RANGE, lineWidthRange);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
info["PointSizeMin"] = to_string(pointSizeRange[0]);
info["PointSizeMax"] = to_string(pointSizeRange[1]);
2020-12-05 02:56:43 -07:00
info["LineWidthMin"] = to_string(lineWidthRange[0]);
info["LineWidthMax"] = to_string(lineWidthRange[1]);
2020-10-08 23:29:16 -06:00
#ifndef GL_ES
GLfloat pointSizeGran = 0;
info["PointSizeGran"] = fmt::sprintf("%.2f", pointSizeGran);
GLint maxVaryings = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_VARYING_FLOATS, &maxVaryings);
info["MaxVaryingFloats"] = to_string(maxVaryings);
if (gl::EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic)
float maxAnisotropy = 0.0f;
glGetFloatv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_MAX_ANISOTROPY_EXT, &maxAnisotropy);
info["MaxAnisotropy"] = fmt::sprintf("%.2f", maxAnisotropy);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
#if 0 // we don't use cubemaps yet
GLint maxCubeMapSize = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_CUBE_MAP_TEXTURE_SIZE, &maxCubeMapSize);
info["MaxCubeMapSize"] = to_string(maxCubeMapSize);
s = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS));
if (s != nullptr)
info["Extensions"] = s;
return true;
Renderer::getVertexObject(VOType owner, GLenum type, GLsizeiptr size, GLenum stream)
auto i = static_cast<size_t>(owner);
if (m_VertexObjects[i] == nullptr)
m_VertexObjects[i] = new celgl::VertexObject(type, size, stream);
return *m_VertexObjects[i];
Renderer::getShadowFBO(int index) const
return index == 0 ? m_shadowFBO.get() : nullptr;
m_shadowFBO = unique_ptr<FramebufferObject>(new FramebufferObject(m_shadowMapSize,
if (!m_shadowFBO->isValid())
GetLogger()->warn("Error creating shadow FBO.\n");
m_shadowFBO = nullptr;
Renderer::setShadowMapSize(unsigned size)
2020-05-03 10:15:45 -06:00
if (!FramebufferObject::isSupported())
GLint t = 0;
glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &t);
m_shadowMapSize = std::clamp(size, 0u, static_cast<unsigned>(t));
if (m_shadowFBO != nullptr && m_shadowMapSize == m_shadowFBO->width())
2020-04-22 10:44:09 -06:00
if (m_shadowMapSize == 0)
m_shadowFBO = nullptr;
Renderer::removeInvisibleItems(const Frustum &frustum)
// Remove objects from the render list that lie completely outside the
// view frustum.
auto notCulled = renderList.begin();
for (auto &ri : renderList)
bool convex = true;
float radius = 1.0f;
float cullRadius = 1.0f;
float cloudHeight = 0.0f;
switch (ri.renderableType)
case RenderListEntry::RenderableStar:
radius = ri.star->getRadius();
cullRadius = radius * (1.0f + CoronaHeight);
case RenderListEntry::RenderableCometTail:
case RenderListEntry::RenderableReferenceMark:
radius = ri.radius;
cullRadius = radius;
convex = false;
case RenderListEntry::RenderableBody:
radius = ri.body->getBoundingRadius();
if (ri.body->getRings() != nullptr)
radius = ri.body->getRings()->outerRadius;
convex = false;
if (!ri.body->isEllipsoid())
convex = false;
cullRadius = radius;
if (ri.body->getAtmosphere() != nullptr)
auto *a = ri.body->getAtmosphere();
cullRadius += a->height;
cloudHeight = max(a->cloudHeight,
a->mieScaleHeight * -log(AtmosphereExtinctionThreshold));
Vector3f center = getCameraOrientation().toRotationMatrix() * ri.position;
// Test the object's bounding sphere against the view frustum
if (frustum.testSphere(center, cullRadius) != Frustum::Outside)
float nearZ = center.norm() - radius;
float maxSpan = hypot((float) windowWidth, (float) windowHeight);
float nearZcoeff = cos(degToRad(fov / 2.0f)) * ((float) windowHeight / maxSpan);
nearZ = -nearZ * nearZcoeff;
if (nearZ > -MinNearPlaneDistance)
ri.nearZ = -max(MinNearPlaneDistance, radius / 2000.0f);
ri.nearZ = nearZ;
if (!convex)
ri.farZ = center.z() - radius;
if (ri.farZ / ri.nearZ > MaxFarNearRatio * 0.5f)
ri.nearZ = ri.farZ / (MaxFarNearRatio * 0.5f);
// Make the far plane as close as possible
float d = center.norm();
// Account for ellipsoidal objects
float eradius = radius;
if (ri.renderableType == RenderListEntry::RenderableBody)
float minSemiAxis = ri.body->getSemiAxes().minCoeff();
eradius *= minSemiAxis / radius;
if (d > eradius)
ri.farZ = ri.centerZ - ri.radius;
// We're inside the bounding sphere (and, if the planet
// is spherical, inside the planet.)
ri.farZ = ri.nearZ * 2.0f;
if (cloudHeight > 0.0f)
// If there's a cloud layer, we need to move the
// far plane out so that the clouds aren't clipped
float cloudLayerRadius = eradius + cloudHeight;
ri.farZ -= sqrt(square(cloudLayerRadius) - square(eradius));
*notCulled = ri;
renderList.resize(notCulled - renderList.begin());
// The calls to buildRenderLists/renderStars filled renderList
// with visible bodies. Sort it front to back, then
// render each entry in reverse order (TODO: convenient, but not
// ideal for performance; should render opaque objects front to
// back, then translucent objects back to front. However, the
// amount of overdraw in Celestia is typically low.)
sort(renderList.begin(), renderList.end());
Renderer::selectionToAnnotation(const Selection &sel,
const Observer &observer,
const Frustum &xfrustum,
double jd)
Vector3d offset = sel.getPosition(jd).offsetFromKm(observer.getPosition());
2021-05-22 01:10:05 -06:00
static celestia::MarkerRepresentation cursorRep(celestia::MarkerRepresentation::Crosshair);
if (xfrustum.testSphere(offset, sel.radius()) == Frustum::Outside)
return false;
double distance = offset.norm();
float symbolSize = (float)(sel.radius() / distance) / pixelSize;
// Modify the marker position so that it is always in front of the marked object.
double boundingRadius;
if (sel.body() != nullptr)
boundingRadius = sel.body()->getBoundingRadius();
boundingRadius = sel.radius();
offset *= (1.0 - boundingRadius * 1.01 / distance);
// The selection cursor is only partially visible when the selected object is obscured. To implement
// this behavior we'll draw two markers at the same position: one that's always visible, and another one
// that's depth sorted. When the selection is occluded, only the foreground marker is visible. Otherwise,
// both markers are drawn and cursor appears much brighter as a result.
if (distance < astro::lightYearsToKilometers(1.0))
addSortedAnnotation(&cursorRep, "", SelectionCursorColor,
AlignLeft, VerticalAlignTop, symbolSize);
addBackgroundAnnotation(&cursorRep, "", SelectionCursorColor,
AlignLeft, VerticalAlignTop, symbolSize);
Color occludedCursorColor(SelectionCursorColor.red(),
SelectionCursorColor.green() + 0.3f,
addForegroundAnnotation(&cursorRep, "", occludedCursorColor,
AlignLeft, VerticalAlignTop, symbolSize);
return true;
Renderer::adjustMagnitudeInsideAtmosphere(float &faintestMag,
float &saturationMag,
double now)
for (const auto& ri : renderList)
if (ri.renderableType != RenderListEntry::RenderableBody)
// Compute the density of the atmosphere, and from that
// the amount light scattering. It's complicated by the
// possibility that the planet is oblate and a simple distance
// to sphere calculation will not suffice.
const Atmosphere* atmosphere = ri.body->getAtmosphere();
if (atmosphere == nullptr || atmosphere->height <= 0.0f)
float radius = ri.body->getRadius();
Vector3f semiAxes = ri.body->getSemiAxes() / radius;
Vector3f recipSemiAxes = semiAxes.cwiseInverse();
Vector3f eyeVec = ri.position / radius;
// Compute the orientation of the planet before axial rotation
Quaternionf q = ri.body->getEclipticToEquatorial(now).cast<float>();
eyeVec = q * eyeVec;
// ellipDist is not the true distance from the surface unless
// the planet is spherical. The quantity that we do compute
// is the distance to the surface along a line from the eye
// position to the center of the ellipsoid.
float ellipDist = eyeVec.cwiseProduct(recipSemiAxes).norm() - 1.0f;
if (ellipDist >= atmosphere->height / radius)
float density = 1.0f - ellipDist / (atmosphere->height / radius);
if (density > 1.0f)
density = 1.0f;
Vector3f sunDir = ri.sun.normalized();
Vector3f normal = -ri.position.normalized();
float illumination = std::clamp(sunDir.dot(normal) + 0.2f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
float lightness = illumination * density;
faintestMag = faintestMag - 15.0f * lightness;
saturationMag = saturationMag - 15.0f * lightness;
Renderer::buildNearSystemsLists(const Universe &universe,
const Observer &observer,
const Frustum &xfrustum,
double now)
UniversalCoord observerPos = observer.getPosition();
Eigen::Quaterniond observerOrient = observer.getOrientation();
universe.getNearStars(observerPos, SolarSystemMaxDistance, nearStars);
// Set up direct light sources (i.e. just stars at the moment)
// Skip if only star orbits to be shown
if ((renderFlags & ShowSolarSystemObjects) != 0)
setupLightSources(nearStars, observerPos, now, lightSourceList, renderFlags);
// Traverse the frame trees of each nearby solar system and
// build the list of objects to be rendered.
for (const auto sun : nearStars)
addStarOrbitToRenderList(*sun, observer, now);
// Skip if only star orbits to be shown
if ((renderFlags & ShowSolarSystemObjects) == 0)
SolarSystem* solarSystem = universe.getSolarSystem(sun);
if (solarSystem == nullptr)
FrameTree* solarSysTree = solarSystem->getFrameTree();
if (solarSysTree == nullptr)
if (solarSysTree->updateRequired())
// Tree has changed, so we must recompute bounding spheres.
// Compute the position of the observer in astrocentric coordinates
Vector3d astrocentricObserverPos = astrocentricPosition(observerPos, *sun, now);
// Build render lists for bodies and orbits paths
buildRenderLists(astrocentricObserverPos, xfrustum,
observerOrient.conjugate() * -Vector3d::UnitZ(),
Vector3d::Zero(), solarSysTree, observer, now);
if ((renderFlags & ShowOrbits) != 0)
buildOrbitLists(astrocentricObserverPos, observerOrient,
xfrustum, solarSysTree, now);
if ((labelMode & BodyLabelMask) != 0)
buildLabelLists(xfrustum, now);
// Since we're rendering objects of a huge range of sizes spread over
// vast distances, we can't just rely on the hardware depth buffer to
// handle hidden surface removal without a little help. We'll partition
// the depth buffer into spans that can be rendered without running
// into terrible depth buffer precision problems. Typically, each body
// with an apparent size greater than one pixel is allocated its own
// depth buffer interval. However, this will not correctly handle
// overlapping objects. If two objects overlap in depth, we must
// assign them to the same interval.
int nIntervals = 0;
int nEntries = (int)renderList.size();
float prevNear = -1e12f; // ~ 1 light year
if (nEntries > 0)
prevNear = renderList[nEntries - 1].farZ * 1.01f;
int i;
// Completely partition the depth buffer. Scan from back to front
// through all the renderable items that passed the culling test.
for (i = nEntries - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// Only consider renderables that will occupy more than one pixel.
if (renderList[i].discSizeInPixels > 1)
if (nIntervals == 0 ||
renderList[i].farZ >= depthPartitions[nIntervals - 1].nearZ)
// This object spans a depth interval that's disjoint with
// the current interval, so create a new one for it, and
// another interval to fill the gap between the last
// interval.
DepthBufferPartition partition;
partition.index = nIntervals;
partition.nearZ = renderList[i].farZ;
partition.farZ = prevNear;
// Omit null intervals
// TODO: Is this necessary? Shouldn't the >= test prevent this?
if (partition.nearZ != partition.farZ)
partition.index = nIntervals;
partition.nearZ = renderList[i].nearZ;
partition.farZ = renderList[i].farZ;
prevNear = partition.nearZ;
// This object overlaps the current span; expand the
// interval so that it completely contains the object.
DepthBufferPartition& partition = depthPartitions[nIntervals - 1];
partition.nearZ = max(partition.nearZ, renderList[i].nearZ);
partition.farZ = min(partition.farZ, renderList[i].farZ);
prevNear = partition.nearZ;
// Scan the list of orbit paths and find the closest one. We'll need
// adjust the nearest interval to accommodate it.
float zNearest = prevNear;
for (i = 0; i < (int)orbitPathList.size(); i++)
const OrbitPathListEntry& o = orbitPathList[i];
float minNearDistance = min(-MinNearPlaneDistance, o.centerZ + o.radius);
if (minNearDistance > zNearest)
zNearest = minNearDistance;
// Adjust the nearest interval to include the closest marker (if it's
// closer to the observer than anything else
if (!depthSortedAnnotations.empty())
// Factor of 0.999 makes sure ensures that the near plane does not fall
// exactly at the marker's z coordinate (in which case the marker
// would be susceptible to getting clipped.)
if (-depthSortedAnnotations[0].position.z() > zNearest)
zNearest = -depthSortedAnnotations[0].position.z() * 0.999f;
clog << "nEntries: " << nEntries << ", zNearest: " << zNearest
<< ", prevNear: " << prevNear << "\n";
// If the nearest distance wasn't set, nothing should appear
// in the frontmost depth buffer interval (so we can set the near plane
// of the front interval to whatever we want as long as it's less than
// the far plane distance.
if (zNearest == prevNear)
zNearest = 0.0f;
// Add one last interval for the span from 0 to the front of the
// nearest object
// TODO: closest object may not be at entry 0, since objects are
// sorted by far distance.
float closest = zNearest;
if (nEntries > 0)
closest = max(closest, renderList[0].nearZ);
// Setting a the near plane distance to zero results in unreliable rendering, even
// if we don't care about the depth buffer. Compromise and set the near plane
// distance to a small fraction of distance to the nearest object.
if (closest == 0.0f)
closest = renderList[0].nearZ * 0.01f;
DepthBufferPartition partition;
partition.index = nIntervals;
partition.nearZ = closest;
partition.farZ = prevNear;
// If orbits are enabled, adjust the farthest partition so that it
// can contain the orbit.
if (!orbitPathList.empty())
depthPartitions[0].farZ = min(depthPartitions[0].farZ,
orbitPathList.back().centerZ - orbitPathList.back().radius);
// We want to avoid overpartitioning the depth buffer. In this stage, we
// coalesce partitions that have small spans in the depth buffer.
// TODO: Implement this step!
return nIntervals;
Renderer::renderSolarSystemObjects(const Observer &observer,
int nIntervals,
double now)
// Render everything that wasn't culled.
auto annotation = depthSortedAnnotations.begin();
float intervalSize = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(max(1, nIntervals));
int i = static_cast<int>(renderList.size()) - 1;
for (int interval = 0; interval < nIntervals; interval++)
currentIntervalIndex = interval;
const float nearPlaneDistance = -depthPartitions[interval].nearZ;
const float farPlaneDistance = -depthPartitions[interval].farZ;
// Set the depth range for this interval--each interval is allocated an
// equal section of the depth buffer.
glDepthRange(1.0f - (interval + 1) * intervalSize,
1.0f - interval * intervalSize);
// Set up a perspective projection using the current interval's near and
// far clip planes.
float aspectRatio = getAspectRatio();
Matrix4f proj;
if (getProjectionMode() == Renderer::ProjectionMode::FisheyeMode)
proj = Ortho(-aspectRatio, aspectRatio, -1.0f, 1.0f, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance);
proj = Perspective(fov, aspectRatio, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance);
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
Matrices m = { &proj, &m_modelMatrix };
Frustum intervalFrustum(degToRad(fov),
int firstInInterval = i;
// Render just the opaque objects in the first pass
while (i >= 0 && renderList[i].farZ < depthPartitions[interval].nearZ)
// This interval should completely contain the item
// Unless it's just a point?
// assert(renderList[i].nearZ <= depthPartitions[interval].near);
// Treat objects that are smaller than one pixel as transparent and
// render them in the second pass.
if (renderList[i].isOpaque && renderList[i].discSizeInPixels > 1.0f)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderItem(renderList[i], observer, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance, m);
// Render orbit paths
if (!orbitPathList.empty())
2020-07-07 11:00:08 -06:00
2020-06-14 10:06:05 -06:00
// Scan through the list of orbits and render any that overlap this interval
for (const auto& orbit : orbitPathList)
// Test for overlap
float nearZ = -orbit.centerZ - orbit.radius;
float farZ = -orbit.centerZ + orbit.radius;
// Don't render orbits when they're completely outside this
// depth interval.
if (nearZ < farPlaneDistance && farZ > nearPlaneDistance)
renderOrbit(orbit, now,
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
// Render transparent objects in the second pass
i = firstInInterval;
while (i >= 0 && renderList[i].farZ < depthPartitions[interval].nearZ)
if (!renderList[i].isOpaque || renderList[i].discSizeInPixels <= 1.0f)
2020-05-12 09:51:25 -06:00
renderItem(renderList[i], observer, nearPlaneDistance, farPlaneDistance, m);
if (starStyle == PointStars)
// Render annotations in this interval
annotation = renderSortedAnnotations(annotation,
// reset the depth range
glDepthRange(0, 1);